Through this application it is possible to connect to an application server that houses the Payroll and Attendance information of the Business-HR system of the company CA Sistemas Empresariales.Entry profiles:1. Administrative. For those responsible for the HR area of ββthe company.2. Worker. For the general workers of the company.Administrative profile functions:1. It allows to view, register, approve or reject the permits and absences of the workers.2. Virtual clocks are registered with the indicated coordinates to serve as attendance markers.3. Approval of contracts.4. Approval of request for certificates, certificates, etc.5. Multi-company selection.Worker profile functions:1. It allows registering the users attendance in the virtual clocks created in the established range of meters.2. Request and display of the status of the permits requested or absences that have occurred.3. Truancy.4. Holidays. Summary of the workers holidays per year.5. Viewing the schedule assigned to the worker.6. Daily Attendance.7. Viewing Pay Tickets, Advances, Gratuities, CTS, Utilities, etc.8. Viewing the status of the loans.9. Telephone directory of the company that gives you direct access to call or send mail to the worker.10. Information from the workers file.11. News, videos, company documents.and many more options.