We do not share the content of others prayer requests, so please leave your prayer request if you are looking for comfort at work.We bring you the most uplifting, inspiring and heartfelt prayers based on your personal life and needs. Share with others how you keep your spirits up and dont forget to leave a comment telling us what prayer you want to pray. We believe that whatever your situation, it is never too late to start praying.They say misery loves company, and thats where it comes in. Professional prayer messenger specializing in job loss and job loss strategies. More than a job, the desire to be your partner to help you rise in the joy of work.One day God said to me: Have a special prayer just for those who are employed and those who are unemployed. I prayed this prayer and it came true. Now have a prayer to help all those who are employed and those who are not. If you are employed and have not taken the time to listen to this, please do so now. If you are employed, read a prayer yourself for the job you want and pray for the week.When youre new to the job market, losing your job is a terrifying thought. These devotions provide a space for you to ask for Gods divine protection as you build your career, with more prayer points than prayers for job interviews and prayers for receiving a job offer. Prayers and thoughts for job loss and employment. Please consider submitting your prayer and thoughts to our prayer list.Do you want to get rid of the fear you feel when you think about losing your job? Do you have a job or have you seen others lose their jobs? Prayers for Job Loss and Employment is an online community where prayer is the central part of the site and we pray as a community for our believers, those who are seeking employment or those who have lost their job.The topic of finances and work can be a constant worry for some because it is such a large part of our daily lives. Theres stress about not making enough money, fear of losing your job, jealousy of seeing someone elses accomplishments when youve worked so hard, and weariness in a trying and underestimated position. Sometimes you just want to quit and do something else. Other times you need something, anything to support yourself and your family; However, the opportunities seem rare.Whether youre miserable in your current job or youre unemployed and searching, your first reaction may be to try to take control of the situation. When we try to control the situation ourselves, we tend to get stressed easily and feel depressed when we dont see the results we want. What we need to do is take our impatience, our desire for blessing, our desire to support our loved ones, and our hurt from work and place them at the feet of the only one in control – Jesus, our sovereign Savior and King.We have a God who can relate, and it is a God who wants to hear from us even in our most difficult times. Our Heavenly Father knows everything that is happening in our lives, but He still wants us to seek Him and trust in Him. He wants us to trust that He will hold us close no matter how our lives turn out.