For users of Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy machines, this app provides detailed treatment instructions (focused ESWT) for 10 common conditions, plus energy data, contraindications and the ability to keep energy level data and treatment notes for your most common conditions.Conditions covered are Achillodynia, Calcific tendonitis, Golfers Elbow, Patellar tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, pseudoarthrosis, tennis elbow, tibial stress syndrome, trigger points and trochanteric tendonitis. General guidelines and contraindications are also covered. This app features a 3D view of the body, plus individual treatment guidelines with clear images for PiezoWave ESWT treatments. A great way to educate patients and support this powerful therapy!This App has been developed on the basis of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2 10.1 (Android 4.0). Previous Android versions, other tablets or other resolutions may not work.- added new Applicator FB10/G6