Elixir Counter is a helper app that gets you your opponents deck as soon as you start a battle in CR, then you can manually click on the card your opponent uses to keep track of their elixir & card rotation.ā¢ This is app does not guarantee you that it will get the correct deck every time.ā¢ You can use this app on all modes except Draft, 2v2 and Clan Wars, for best results use this app on ladder mode only.ā¢ Elixir counter mode is disabled by default, you can enable it in settings.----------Show your opponents elixir:youll have to manually select the card your opponent uses as soon you see it on the battle field.Manually add elixir to your opponent to keep tracking it:A button that will automatically shows up when your opponent got an Elixir Collector. Enable it when you got an Elixir Golem in your deck.Keep track of your opponents deck:Know whats currently in your opponent hand by selecting the card they use as soon you see it on the battle field.Different generation rates:Enable this option when you want to play in modes that got different generation rate than the ladder (default).Confidence:Shows you how much the app is confident that the deck it shows you belongs to your opponent.Invert layout:Flip buttons/icons locations if youre left handed.----------Disclaimer:This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. For more information see Supercellās Fan Content Policy: www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy.