This is 15 digits Loan-Caluculator. Easy for loan-caluculation! (Equal Payment method, Equal Principle method, conbined extra-payment, calc remaining debt available.) [ Loan Caluculate ] ■ The following calculations are available in each of the Equal Payment method and Equal Principle method (combined extra-payment available). ・Payment per month. ・Extra payment. ・Total payment. ・Total interest. ・Remaining Debt. ・Income/Payment rate. ・Borrowing limit for the payment limit. * Extra payments are expected to pay once every six months.
[ General Caluculate ] ■ 15digits display caluculate. ■ Arithmetic ( + , - , * , / ) ■ Percent ( % ) ■ Grand Total ( GT ) ■ Memory ( M+, M-, MRC ) ■ Tax caluculation ( Tax+ , Tax- ) [ NOTES ] ■ This app will result in a loan, I would appreciate your approximate estimates for the calculation. ■ Reimbursements for us to borrow your practice, please check the redemption tables issued by the source tables and loan repayment plan.