Simply brilliant, one of the best live wallpapers out there. Plenty of customisation and really sets the phones home screen off, great job!!
3D Hypnotic Spiral Rings PRO at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Simply brilliant, one of the best live wallpapers out there. Plenty of customisation and really sets the phones home screen off, great job!!
Simply mesmerized by this....good job ezy 5*
MAKES THE SCREEN POP!!--ISheep will be greenwith envy when they see this People Buy this Pro Version -Support the Dev
Just had to give a review, wherever the devs came up with this app, have to say it's brilliant, could watch this app for ages, it's mesmerising. Anyone who loves great wallpapers should download this one they won't be disappointed, will be on my phone permanent.
Love it....but will 5 star it wen I can change shape....concentric triangles etc...and maybe ring thickness...but for now... just ease up on my battery man!!!! Exellent start though...looks stunning.
Niiiiice!!! and the song too ;)
Hands down the best. Superior graphics, unrivaled, and unlike any other.