Dogfight Elite at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Added submarines.
I've enjoyed this app since 2017 only recently have joined in multi player skirmishs, but I kinda wish the little town would come back! It's also cool interacting with fellow players. And to think, is Zup from Spain? I've visited Barcelona, Seville, Vigo, and the little country towns in Pamplona on my way to Portugal too! Loved it was affordable too. Every time I download, I flash back to my European experience. Keep up the improvements it's very challenging, frustrating, but LOL!
i only own ww1 planes and now it says i cant use them as it says OLD i was going to subscribe but if i do that i will be in ww1 mode and not able to play with non subscribers .really you should need subscribe to use top planes not the bottom sure those who really want ww2 will pay for them.Loads of empty games now as people who played for free are leaving the game this game needs free players fight now to pad the games .forcing subscriptions wont solve empty games
Was going to subscribe this week but I see there is a class system now in place the haves and have-nots Some of my friends can't pay and I want to play with them if I pay I can join the club of the elite only WW1 but why pay when I can't play with them
Hello again Zup, I did as you asked and returned to game and I can't access my Spit and Jet of which I paid £119.99 each back in May 2019, so I've paid all this money only for you to take them away? I hope you are prepared to pay a refund to those you have stolen from? Very poor updates and game play now you have put final nail in DFs coffin, it's a very sad show at the moment I hope you can improve things soon.
Hey dont stop this game has potential
It's a really good game with a multiplayer plus acton game