Have all the information in the palm of your hand through a clean, light and fast interface.MY VEHICLES• Register as many vehicles as you want.• Enter Name, Plate, Next Revision and add other relevant information.• Registered vehicles will be automatically integrated with Calcular Route.• Click and hold to delete a vehicle from the list. (This option has no confirmation)CALCULATE ROUTE• Enter your vehicles average km/l and save so you dont have to type it every time you use the app.• Enter the fuel price and save if necessary. Based on the price entered, the app takes care of the calculations for you.• Route preview: Find out the approximate duration, the approximate distance, the amount of liters and the amount you will spend on a route/trip.If you prefer, access a map and check the route.• Calculate Route: Enter the Start Km (or restore based on the last saved Km) and click Start Route.Enter the start time.Enter the Final Km, click on Finalize route and enter the final time.Done, now just view the data and save it in case you want to access it later using the History button.FIND LOCATIONS• Find locations quickly and, if you prefer, establish a route that the app will automatically open your Maps application and lead you to the chosen location.ALCOHOL OR GASOLINE• Fill in the fields with the value of Gasoline and Alcohol. Afterwards, click on Calculate and the application will suggest the most advantageous fuel for you to supply.AVERAGE KM/L• Know the average that your vehicle is doing based on the data entered in the specific fields.• Select between the City and Highway options and save the data for later access.• Access your saved averages through a list.HISTORIC• Access your trip/route histories quickly and in an organized way.• A list will be shown showing all saved data.• If you want to delete a history from the list, click and hold on the item to open a deletion option.• Click the red trash can button to delete the entire saved history list.