Great app for rock art reseach
aDStretch at Google Play market analyse
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Great app for rock art reseach
From the desktop to the field. Thank you!
Wow. is all i can say. very good job whoever built this. very good job. only a few suggestions from me and thats ability to see photo names on gallery not just photos sometimes im looking for a specific photo by name. no biggie but a suggestion and also something where i could scroll like a drag verticle wheel that would scroll through the settings live on the photo im working on this way i could see all settings effects quicker than slow change by change. no biggies. never glitches very fast.
Like seeing the invisible
Awesome for field work!
How about an improved interface for setting the output directory rather than entering the path manually? This is really clunky! Need to be able to set to sdcard.
Great app. Well done.