manga animation or anime drawings artwork is popular today Manga refers to comics and graphic novels created in Japan, but this style of comic is popular worldwide. To draw manga, or illustrations in a manga style, youll need to practice sketching facial features, clothing styles, and other elements common to manga. You can also incorporate elements of anime, Japanese animation, into your drawings, as well. Most tutorials manga drawing just show you really pretty pictures that the artist did and it kind of expects you to just copy and redraw the same thing perfectly. This is different, I’m going to share with you actionable tips for drawing manga to help make you a better artis. For any stylized art, you need to know how the real body is put together before you start exaggerating. This is a fine line between making something look stylized and something that looks like you don’t know what you’re doing.Sometimes this is hard to do because it takes up extra time for best manga drawing books , but if there is something you do not know how to draw, go online and look up a reference anime drawing tutorial. They help you quickly put down a pose and compare the body shapes and sizes. Artists who use guidelines are less likely make anatomy errors. how to draw and how to draw anime characters Read real manga and watch real anime,Try drawing manga characters and/or animals BEFORE you get a how to draw book.If the book has step-by-step drawing, dont simply skip to the last drawing and copy that, Practice drawing your favorite characters, Dont let other people say your drawings are stupidIt will take as long as it takes for you to be comfortable drawing and manga drawing books . Youll know when youve developed a style when it makes you satisfied and comfortable with what youve drawn. The common length of time is usually about five years or so, but everyone is different, so work at different paces. Who knows? Maybe youll find what youre looking for tomorrow, in thirty years, or never. If youre using pencil and/or ink, leave the desired area of shine blank. For coloring with any medium, you can leave it blank for extreme lighting, or use a lighter color than the hair/clothes. Lets learn to draw manga