DN Motar - دنیای موتر is the first center for buy and selling new & used cars, motorcycles, vans, buses throughout Afghanistan.DN Motar - دنیای موتر offers you the best new and used vehicles for sale and purchase. You can buy & sell your favorite vehicles at home in the simplest way.Selling new and used vehicles at DN Motar - دنیای موتر:You can sell your vehicles in a very simple way and still find the vehicles you want from people and car dealers at DN Motar - دنیای موتر.Press Location button to find out the current location. You can find out the nearest vehicles that are sold near you.By creating an account in the DN Motar - دنیای موتر, you can use all the benefits of our application, website and sell your vehicle with a few clicks in the sales section of DN Motar - دنیای موتر.In DN Motar - دنیای موتر, you can be informed about the new vehicles that have entered the market.Find your favorite vehicles at DN Motar - دنیای موتر:By going to the search section of DN Motar - دنیای موتر, you can use the filter to find your favorite vehicle.By finding your favorite car at DN Motar - دنیای موتر, you can contact the seller by phone or email.Ways to communicate with DN Motar - دنیای موتر:If you have any problems, you can contact DN Motar - دنیای موتر via WhatsApp, Facebook and contact number.You can find "DN Motar - دنیای موتر" through the Play Store and App Store called DN Motar - دنیای موتر .Our website: https://www.dunyaymotar.comOur phone number and WhatsApp: +93781997272