As a long-term diabetic and a tablet owner for the last four months, I needed help in determining the amount of insulin I needed to inject and found it in the DiaLog: Diabetes Logbook. It's been relatively easy to learn and use and, when my husband (an IT person), became disheartened due to the font size of the app, I dropped an e-mail to David Froehlich; he's the author of this gem. He responded in less than one day to advise that he didn't yet have the fix for my small font question but that he'd begin looking into this app on tablets and would let me know as soon as he could. This app will save me hours over the next year in caculating my insulin amounts but also to track my hemoglobin A1C and other important health benchmarks like weight, blood pressure, etc. I just couldn't be happier with the addition of David and the DiaLog in my life!
DiaLog: Diabetes Logbook at Google Play market analyse