[ Introduction ]This calculator provides all functions appeared in the TI BA II Plus Professional plus some more.All users are strongly advised to own a real TI BA II Plus Professional and have some experience in using it before. This calculator is best used for preparing your CFA exam and make yourself comfortable in using the [ Features ]All main features in TI BA II Plus Professional can be found here. [ Extra added on ]+ Accumulated depreciation (in the Depreciation worksheet)+ Macaulay Duration (in the Bond worksheet) + Statistic Tables Z , T , F, Chi-squared and Durbin-Watson+ Day of the week (in the Date worksheet) + Color and Font Size Settings [ Paid version ]+ Options Pricing (Version 1.9.4 onward) Estimate [ Price, Delta, Gamma, and Theta ] for Black Scholes Binomial (Standard, Shout, Compound, Chooser)+ Harmonic and Geometric mean in the Stats worksheet [ Known difference ]The results from the "French declining (DBF)" depreciation method are not the same as from the originals in some cases. Here, it is similar to DBX but using the different cross over method. The overall results are tested but not guaranteed to be the same as the original. If you are very serious with the result, please check it against the original.If you find something totally wrong, please kindly provide me with your inputs and your purchase order number. [ Notes ]The P/Y and C/Y are displayed on the top panel as PC:1 if both P/Y and C/Y are equal to 1.Otherwise P/Y and C/Y will be displayed separately. Ex. PY:1 CY:2Also this app uses BODMAS system as a default. (BODMAS is equivalent to AOS in the original)The original TI BA II uses CHAIN as a default. It can be changed to CHAIN in the formatting function. [2ND]+[Format][ *** Important *** ]Please test your device for compatibility by pressing the following key combinations.[FV] + [ . ] + [2ND] + [More] Remark: [ . ] = dotPlease test it after each install or upgrade.It will stall for a minute or two. Please do not touch the screen during the test.The word "Test OK" or else no "ERR:" should appear at the end of the test.If the "ERR:" appeared, please uninstall, reinstall and run the test again. If "ERR:" still persists, please kindly report the last displayed message. *please check your screen guard if it is scratched, it might accidentally cause the screen to be pressed repeatedly at that position. And the calculator might not be functional.[ Manual ]Please check your TI BAII Plus Professional manual.or https://sites.google.com/site/chienancial/Manual[ Privacy Policy ]This app needs a permission to read/write to your devices storage just to save its stage. It will not probe or interfere any other data (photos, phone call, usage, etc.) you have on your device.It will not send/receive any data to/from any server. It will not do anything more than a calculator should do.Please scan your device if you find such an activity. [ Refund Policy ]At the time of this posting, Google allows yourself to refund your order within 2 hours after payment.You can email me your order number within 7 days after purchasing for a refund. The price will be subject to change without notice.Once bought, you can uninstall and reinstall it as many times as you please.Thank you very much for your support.Please feel free to leave any questions/comments/suggestions.Or email to
[email protected] I would like to thank you for all the ratings and reviews you give.Fix the incorrect bond date method display.