The application "Mobile team MRO 2 KORP" is implemented on the mobile platform "1C: Enterprise".The mobile application works in conjunction with the 1C: TOIR. Management of repairs and maintenance of equipment 2 KORP.The application is universal and is used as a tool:• for employees who perform scheduled and emergency repairs of equipment directly at the service facilities;• for bystanders carrying out routine maintenance activities for equipment;• for dispatchers who register defects;• for operators involved in accounting for operating time, controlled indicators, equipment conditions;• to control the performance of work, the movement of employees, the stay of personnel at the workplace.Employees have access to information in the 1C:TOIR 2 KORP system in order to receive repair assignments, lineman routes (orders for scheduled events), necessary reference information and promptly reflect the fact of work completion, transfer documents, audio and video files, photos, geo-coordinates, scanned barcodes, NFC-tags of repair objects created on a mobile device to the 1C:TOIR 2 KORP database.Features for app users:• identification of repair objects by barcode, QR code, NFC tag;• viewing information about repair objects (technical maps, etc.);• creating and attaching photo, audio and video files to cards of repair objects, documents “States of repair objects”, “Identified defects”, “Act on the completion of the stage of work”;• automation of the role of the operator and dispatcher;• determining the location of repair objects by geo-coordinates;• determination of the current location (geopositioning) of employees performing repair work or making rounds as part of routine activities;• a mechanism for monitoring the presence of personnel at the facility (by NFC tag, barcode, geolocation). You can choose the setting in the “large system” so that the entry of documents (acts of work performed) is available to the employee only if he is near the repair facility;• bypassing objects according to the list of routine measures with the accompanying input of controlled indicators, operating hours, registration of defects and fixing the state of the equipment;• distribution of applications for repairs by teams and responsible;• reflection of the fact of performance of works;• work in offline mode (access to applications and bypass routes, information on the repair object, the ability to reflect the fact of work performance, the result of a bypass along the route, generate documents for recording equipment operation indicators).Additional application features:• Color coding of the list of applications - allows you to quickly determine the status of the application (defect criticality, repair status, equipment criticality or type of repair). For example, repair requests can be marked with different colors depending on their status: "Registered", "In Progress", "Suspended", "Completed", etc.• Customizable selections in the forms of lists of orders and applications - help you quickly navigate through the lists. Employees performing requests for repairs or routine activities (for example, inspection, certification, diagnostics) can make selections by dates, repair objects, organization, division, etc.• Possibility to simplify the interface (if necessary). It is possible to “simplify” the interface by disabling unused details and configuring their autocompletion on a specific device.The application is designed to work with "1C: TOIR 2 CORP" version and higher.