Really helped me pass my test
NASM Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep at Google Play market analyse
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***Upated for NASM CPT 4th Edition with 75 all new questions***With 472 questions to prepare you for the National Academy of Sports Medicineās Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification Exam, Upward Mobility presents its exclusive NASM exam-prep app for Android.Your satisfaction is important to us and we have a no questions asked refund policy for all our Android apps. We encourage you to try our application out risk free and let us know by e-mailing [email protected] if there are any issues.OVERVIEW:Our NASM practice questions are all written exclusively for Upward Mobility by a Certified Personal Trainer. The questions incorporate practical, real-life scenarios to help you bridge the gap between your training knowledge and practical client application. FEATURES:* 475 targeted multiple-choice questions.* Reinforces core knowledge areas, including: -- Assessment -- Exercise technique -- Exercise program design -- Nutrition -- Administration and client relations -- Professional practice and responsibilities -- Relevant and up-to-date scientific research* Exclusive, intuitive interface.* Study Mode -- Each question is paired with a clear and useful explanation. Study at your own pace!* Test Mode -- Test yourself by setting your own question and time constraints. * Review your answers in both question-by-question and aggregate format.This app is not affiliated with the NASM. NASM is a registered trademark of the National Academy of Sports Medicine, who does not endorse, nor is affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site.ABOUT UPWARD MOBILITY:Upward Mobility is an independent test-preparation apps company that creates high quality material that is witty and engaging, perfect for on-the-go students and ambitious professionals. All of our content is developed exclusively for Upward Mobility by writers who are subject matter experts and undergoes a thorough review process.We are a double bottom line company that is committed to education in the developing world. Some of the profits will be used to deploy education via mobile phone in emerging countries to improve their total factor productivity growth.Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and if you have any questions or comments or are unsatisfied with our products in any way, please contact us at [email protected] and we will do our best to help you.
Really helped me pass my test
Live the app. Just wish it would randomize the questions in study mode.
I payed for it dowloaded it and no app showed on my mytouch 3G
Passed my test! It definitely helps prepare you for the types of questions that are on the test, some were even the same. Loved it!
Maybe its just me but my app only has 38 questions when its supposed to have 400. Wtf
First time I ran it, it said loading data for over 30mins, and I had to end task on it. 2nd time it loaded, and I entered study mode. Now I'm stuck in study mode and can't go to the home screen, even if I end task on it. The questions are great, but on an LG Ally at least, the app has some major bugs.
Love it!