The Seljuqs originate from several small Ghuz tribes in the Turkistan region. In the second, third and fourth centuries of the Hijra they went westward to Transoxiana and Khurasan. At that time they were not united. They were united by the Seljuq ibn Tuqaq. Therefore, they are called the Seljuqs. At first the Seljuq ibn Tuqaq Rahimahullah served Bequ, the king of the Turkoman region which covered the area around the Arabian sea and the Caspian sea. Seljuq Rahimahullah was appointed as the leader of the army. The influence of the Seljuq Rahimahullah was so great that Raja Bequ was worried that his position would be threatened. Raja Bequ intended to get rid of the Seljuks.But before the plan was implemented, Seljuq Rahimahullah knew about it. He did not take a stand against or rebelled, but with his followers he migrated to the LAND area, or also called Wama Waraa al-Nahar, a Muslim area in the Transoxiana region (between the Umm Driya and Syrdarya or Sihun rivers). They inhabit this area with the permission of the Samaniyah daulah ruler who controls the area. They converted to Islam with the Sunni Salafi manhaj. When the Samaniyah daulah was defeated by the Ghaznawiyah daulah, Seljuq Rahimahullah declared independence. He succeeded in controlling the area previously controlled by the Samaniyah daulah. After the Seljuq Rahimahullah died, the leadership was continued by his son, Israil Ibn Seljuq and then his successor Mikail Ibn Israil Ibn Seljuq, but unfortunately his brother was captured by the Ghaznawiyah rulers. ¹The next leadership was held by Thugril Bek Rahimahullah. This last Seljuq leader succeeded in defeating Masud al-Ghaznawi, ruler of the Ghaznavid dynasty, in 429 H/1036 AD, and forced him to leave the Khurasan area. After this success, Thugril proclaimed the establishment of the Seljuk daulah. In 432 H/1040 AD this daulah received recognition from the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad. During the leadership of Thugril Bek, the Seljuq dynasty entered Baghdad to replace the Bani Buwaih. Previously, Thugril Rahimahullah succeeded in seizing the Marwadan Naisabur areas from the Ghaznawiyah, Balkh, Urjan, Tabaristan, Khawarizm, Rayy, and Isfahan powers.The position and position of the caliph was better after the Seljuq dynasty came to power; at least his authority in the field of religion was restored after being “usurped” by the Shiites for a while. Even though Baghdad could be controlled, it was not used as the center of government. Thugrul Bek Rahimahullah chose the city of Naisabur and later the city of Rayy as the center of his government. The small daulas that previously separated themselves, after being conquered by the Seljuq daulah, returned to recognize Baghdads position, they even continued to maintain the integrity and security of the Abbasids to stem the Shiite ideology and develop the Sunni Salafy manhaj they adhered to.