A new, improved RoundGlass Curofy – coming soon.Curofy - Indias Largest Community of Doctors.Your Single app to manage Patient Appointments, Clinic and Community of Doctors.Curofy now not only connects you to the community but also helps you manage your patient appointments better"Curofy a must have app for doctors" - Economic TimesAmong "Top 5 Android apps for doctors"- Times Of India"Half of Indian medicos to use Curofy by 2018"- PharmaBizCurofy is a medical app exclusively for the doctors. It is a platform for doctors to collaborate on clinical cases and to stay updated with the latest medical news and updates in the industry. It also helps the doctors to access the latest journals, medical guidelines, and MCQs. Also doctors and students alike get to access videos and AMA sessions from eminent doctors like Dr Najeeb and other eminent doctors in their field.Curofy also helps you get the most appropriate medical jobs that suits your profile. With 300 cases posted every day, Curofy is the most engaged platform in the Country. Curofy also keeps you upto date with the latest CMEs and events. With doctors from hospitals like AIIMS, KMC, CMC etc, it gives the community the diversity and true spirit of collaborative learning and knowledge exchange.✪ Curofy Discuss: Discuss real life Clinical cases with peers- Discuss Clinical cases with fellow doctors, colleagues from all around the country- Get second opinion from industry stalwarts and the best doctors in your specialty- Invite doctors to answer on posts you think are best suited for the posts - Take part in clinical case discussions based on human anatomy and diseases- Keep enhancing your medical knowledge with daily real life medical case discussion- Get CME updates and coverages- Get access to videos of famous doctors like Dr. Najeeb and others.✪ Curofy Appointment:Patient Booking - Patients can now book online Appointments using your Curofy Public ProfileAppointment - Quickly Add, Manage, Reschedule and cancel appointmentsPatient Carebook - All your patient will be organised and safely stored on your mobile. You can add appointments, see patient history, send reminders in few simple clicksReminder - Automated patient appointment reminder to help your patient to keep track of their appointments and follow up visits✪ Medical News: To keep you updated with medical news from Kevin Md, Medscape etc- Keep track of the latest news and happenings in the medical world- The best of medical news curated from top sites like Kevin Md, Medscape, Web Md and many more- Get medical news from all around the world relevant to your preferences everyday- Keep yourself updated with the latest disease trends and types from various parts of the world✪ Curofy Genie : Takes care of all your needs- Genie takes care of all your professional need at one place.- With genie you can get all you need from loans to medical instruments to the appropriate Medical jobs for you. Genie has everything- All you need to do is to Just Wish !✪ Curofy Journal : Free access to journals- Get journals from major players like Elsevier, BMJ and many more ✪ Curofy MCQ : High Yield questions For Medical Students- Get your hands on High Yield Questions specifically prepared to kickstart your PG preparation for exams like JIPMER, NEET, AIIMS , USMLE etc - Stay ahead with your PG, USMLE preparation with questions from our in-house doctors- Get in-depth analysis of each question along with their answers.- Students can also access exclusive videos lectures of Dr. Najeeb, Dr. Sumer Sethi, Dr. Rohan Khandelwal and many others✪ Curofy Guidelines : Get access to community approved treatment plan- Get the latest guidelines at your fingertips- Download them and reference them laterYour Single app to manage Patient Appointments, Clinic and Community of Doctors.✪ Patient Booking - Patients can now book online Appointments using your Curofy Public Profile. ✪ Quickly Add, Manage, Reschedule and cancel appointments. All your patient will be organised and safely stored on your mobile. ✪ You can add appointments, see patient history, send reminders.✪ Automated patient appointment reminder to help your patient to keep track of their appointments and follow up visits