Really enjoyed the easy to use interface!
Texas Real Estate Flashcards at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Really enjoyed the easy to use interface!
I was actually going to start typing all the flash cards into OneNote today so I could have them all in one place without having to flip through the physical cards; glad I got the email from Champions letting me know about this app. before I started that project. This is great!
Purchased new note 5, need to install on new device? why can I not click on the device?
Opened today and everything is haywire! Displayed incorrectly and ...just off. I am so sad. Tried uninstall and even a re-purchase. Nothing works. This app was really helping!
A flash card doesn't do much good if the term and answer are in the same picture. Also could improve it by having matching, multiple choice, etc. as options. A feature where the student could select single or multiple topics and then the app randomize a quiz would be nice. You could even make it so you can do an overall test to start, with Random questions for all subjects and then the app tells you what areas you are strong and weak on. There is a lot of of unused potential here.
Simple app, no interaction.