The application EKR offers employment in areas where you want to work, automatically records your hours and checks the hours reported to the CCQ is accurate.You want to work? EKR is to help the most efficient use of the tool industry.With EKR, simply confirm your availability and you will receive the same day, by email or text message, the job offers published by the CCQ, in your profession, according to the area where you want to work.A wizard that allows to do anything other than managing paperwork!With EKR, you can• identify your sites and your geolocation km• automatically save your hours by sector, without pencil and paper• check whether the hours reported to the CCQ by an employer are accurate, effortless.The application retrieves hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year in unclaimed hours and deductions for travel, thanks to the accounting km.With EKR,No more wet paper and glued pages.No more lost data, errors, unpaid hours and the loss of money!Download EKR now, find jobs, manage your time and save the pennies!Practical features• Automated Entering hours - punch system that automatically fill the time section in a site entry• Entering a building site - Enter notes for this project - GPS Location workplace - Displacement (mileage) - Hours worked overtime or not - Photo taking - Entering expenses - Offline Input for the current week• Reports - computerized check with the CCQ of hours reported by the employer. Allows you to see if there is a time difference - Sending an email PDF document for a wage complaint - Export data by email in Excel format - timeless Data Archiving• Employment Assistance - Subscribe / Unsubscribe - availability Confirmation - Receptions alerts Email / SMS or even the application• nearest office details according to the GPS location of the phone• Technical Support Online Service