Cryptography: The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews. This useful App lists 150 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.It explains how programmers and network professionals can use cryptography to maintain the privacy of computer data. Starting with the origins of cryptography, it moves on to explain cryptosystems, various traditional and modern ciphers, public key encryption, data integration, message authentication, and digital signaturesThis app cover most of related topics and Detailed explanation with all the basics topics. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1) Basics of Cryptography2) Conventional cryptography3) Key management and conventional encryption4) Keys5) Pretty Good Privacy6) Digital signatures7) Digital certificates8) The OSI Security Architecture9) Network Security10) Types of attacks11) Denial of service attack12) Smurf Attack13) Distributed Denial of Service Attacks14) Security Mechanism15) A Model for Network Security16) Symmetric Ciphers17) Classical SubstitutionTechniques18) Classical Transposition Techniques19) Rotor Machines20) Steganography21) Block Cipher Principles22) The Data Encryption Standard23) Differential Cryptanalysis Attack24) Cipher and Reverse Cipher25) Security of DES26) The Strength of DES27) Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis28) Block Cipher Design Principles29) Finite Fields30) The Euclidean Algorithm31) Finite Fields of The Form GF(p)32) Polynomial Arithmetic33) Finite Fields Of the Form GF(2n)34) The AES Cipher35) Substitute Bytes Transformation36) Evaluation Criteria For AES37) ShiftRows Transformation38) AddRoundKey Transformation39) AES Key Expansion Algorithm40) Equivalent Inverse Cipher41) Multiple Encryption and Triple DES42) Triple DES with Two Keys43) Block Cipher Modes of Operation44) Cipher Feedback Mode45) Output Feedback Mode46) Counter Mode47) Stream Ciphers48) The RC4 Algorithm49) Random Number Generation50) Pseudorandom Number Generators51) Linear Congruential Generators52) Cryptographically Generated Random Numbers53) Blum BlumShub Generator54) True Random Number Generators55) Key Hierarchy56) Key Distribution Centre57) Transparent Key Control Scheme58) Controlling Key Usage59) Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption60) Link versus End-to-End Encryption61) Key Distribution62) Traffic Confidentiality63) Prime Numbers64) Fermats and Eulers Theorems65) Testing for Primality66) The Chinese Remainder Theorem67) Discrete Logarithms68) Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems69) RSA Algorithm70) Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding71) Key Management72) Distribution of Secret Keys Using Public-Key Cryptography73) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange74) Example of Deffie Hellman algorithm75) Key Exchange Protocols76) Man in the Middle Attack77) Elliptic Curve ArithmeticAll topics are not listed because of character limitations.Features :* Chapter wise complete Topics* Rich UI Layout * Comfortable Read Mode* Important Exam Topics* Very simple User Interface* Cover Most Of Topics* One click get related All Book* Mobile Optimized Content * Mobile Optimized ImagesThis app will useful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app.Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail us your queries, issues and give us valuable Rating And Suggestion So we can consider it for Future Updates. We will be happy to solve them for you.