Very realistic. Some additional scenery would be great
Quadcopter FX Simulator Pro at Google Play market analyse
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A Quadcopter / Multirotor RC Drone simulator with First Person View (FPV), HUD, Return Home, Course Lock, Home Lock, Camera Gimbal, Acro mode, Acro 3D mode and more..Now Google Cardboard VR is also supported for immersive flying and FPV experience.Support for ControllersThis is a pro version of our QuadcopterFX Simulator. There are No-inapp purchases. Everything is enabled at much lower cost. First time users can try our free Quadcopter FX Simulator to see if every thing works well. Screen resolution required is 800 x 480 px. Minimum Recommended RAM is 1 GB although we have seen it successfully running on 512mb ram. We are open to suggestions and problems. You can always email us at our support email.Features:1) Based on real physics Model of Quadcopter2) Interactive selection of different cameras modes: * Eye level Camera * First Person View Camera * Stabilized Gimbal Camera * Follow Camera You can walk around while flying, looking at the quad either by dragging the middle of screen or by enabling accelerometer button on the left side in the Eye level Camera Mode..3) Return to Location (RTL) When on the Quad will automatically Return and Land back in its Landing Position. It will Automatically switch on when the Quad goes out of range.4) Position HoldWhen ON the Quad will try to Hold its position when both control sticks are released.5) Course Lock When ON the Forward, Backward, Left and Right will remain same regardless of orientation of Quad. e.g. Moving Right stick Forward will always make the Quad go forward in East Direction even if its pointing towards north.6) Home Lock When ON the Forward will always be Away from you and Backwards will always be towards you regardless of Quads Orientation.7) Heads up Display(HUD) Displaying real-time Pitch, Roll, Heading, Altitude and Speed.8) Adjustable Control sensitivity Settings9) Auto Stabilizing adjustable10) Altitude Hold Switch If ON the quad will try to maintain the altitude when it was switched on. 11) Advanced Settings If enabled users can change the Total Weight, Static / Dynamic thrust, PID setting and Aerodynamic Drag values.12) Multiple Quad / Scene Selection / Some basic Challenges for Time Pass..13) Multiple mode Input Support.Now it supports mode1, mode2. mode3, mode4 and accelerometers. You can change via settings page14) Camera rotation in FPV and Gimbal camera.Click and Drag from center of screen on FPV or Gimbal camera. Double click in center to reset. 15) Dynamic WindWind effect will reduce when behind the building.16) Google cardboard Support for immersive virtual reality and FPV experience.Make sure that you have a controller attached to the device because the only way you can control the quadcopter is by controller once the Cardboard VR is enabled. After enabling you have to gaze at the buttons on the UI and press the trigger button on the cardboard to click it. Once you are flying then pressing the trigger anywhere will open the settings page. You can also touch on screen anywhere to execute trigger event instead of pressing the trigger button.17) Max Tilt Angle / Auto Stabilize Sensitivity SliderIn Normal Mode the slider changes the Maximum Tilt angle setting. This settings determines the maximum roll / pitch angle the quadcopter will tilt. In Sports Mode it changes the Auto Stabilize sensitivity. The higher the settings the more force is applied to stabilize the quadcopter.18) Acro / Acro 3d mode for expert flyingAuto stabilize will not be applied in these modes. You need to be expert to fly in this mode.In 3D Mode is mode in which the Quadcopter can fly upside down also. The throttle sticks will produce reverse thrust when moved down from the center position. Enjoy Flying..Credits: Some Arteria content is in use.
Very realistic. Some additional scenery would be great
Well worth the asking price. Worked first time with minimal setup for my controller.
Works great with my ps3 controller, very good flight mechanics, fine grained settings. I thought it was a great app when I first got it, and when I saw that they added vr capabilities it was like the developer read my mind. Almost as much fun flying in vr as in real life.
I am fairly certain this app made me a better pilot. Much cheaper than crashing!
Great sim,highly playable on touchscreen. Supports cardboard which is awesome. Is there a way to set exponencial curves? Im having trouble when playing with gamepad
This app is amazing. But the field of view in VR mode is too small. It would be nice if there was a slider to adjust the FOV
Would have given this app 5 stars, for realistic drone physics, but it has no newer challenges in other scenes save, the old factory default