Our app contains clear advice on how to plan the finances and get loans online - simple and suitable for everyone. Loans are one of the most convenient way to solve many problems without resorting to serious investments and without spending significant efforts. In the modern world, the process of obtaining a loan has become very simple: all you need is a smartphone. Now you dont have to stay in a queue or pile your files for days. You can apply to borrow cash or to get money credited to your card and receive approval in minutes.The benefits of taking a loan online:* instant money crediting* no need to go to the bank as the loan is credited to your card online* receive money 24/7 thanks to auto-payment systems in a variety of banks* only your passport is required* minimal risk of failure Typical requirements for borrowers:1. Age from 182. Citizenship of the country where you want to take the loan3. Passport must be availableConditions for getting a loan usually include:The first loan up to 10000 often falls under "0% rate" promotion, on condition of timely repayment. Annual Percentage Rate (APR)) ranges from 30 to 360% for qualified consumers. Please note that we are not a lender. The exact APR and other terms of your loan will be disclosed to you by the lender before you execute a loan agreement as they are legally required. Depending on the chosen offer, the loan repayment period may vary from 91 to 365 days (prolongation included). Organizations that issue loans and organizations that help to obtain a loan can add their own rates for obtaining a loan in addition to the interest rate.Sample loan calculation:Conditions: loan amount is $2000, loan term is 12 months and APR is 14%Then your repayment will be $178,8 per month, and the total amount repayable - $2145.6. The loan will cost $145.6.In case of non-payment, 0.1% penalty will be charged of the total amount of delay per day. Note that the penalty cannot exceed 10% of the total loan amount.12 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1026, Regulation Z:(a) Accuracy of annual percentage rate.1. The annual percentage rate is a measure of the cost of credit,expressed as a yearly rate, that relates the amount and timing of value received by the consumer to the amount and timing of payments made. The annual percentage rate shall be determined in accordance with either the actuarial method or the United States Rule method.2. As a general rule,the annual percentage rate shall be considered accurate if it is not more than 1/8 of 1 percentage point above or below the annual percentage rate determined in accordance with paragraph a1 of this section.3. In an irregular transaction,the annual percentage rate shall be considered accurate if it is not more than 1/4 of 1 percentage point above or below the annual percentage rate determined in accordance with paragraph a1 of this section. Please read carefully before deciding to take a loan:* You can find an advertisement of a loan offers in our application, however our application is not a loan institution, it does not issue loans and is not responsible for the advertising information posted in it by third parties, including the specific terms of loan offers posted by banks or financial organizations. * The terms of the loan described above are average ones and the real terms of the loan offers you choose will differ from them.* Our application contains basic information about loans and borrowings, please read it carefully before taking a loan.* Stories of successful obtaining and repayment of loans do not guarantee that other users of an application will take a loan on the same terms and conditions. Any descriptions of the terms of lending and repayment are a reflection of a specific persons experience, and they will differ from person to person.