** Featured in the "Best new icons pack for Android (February 2016)" article by PhoneArena ** - http://www.phonearena.com/news/Best-new-icon-packs-for-Android-February-2016-3_id78870Welcome to Cosmic, an Icon Pack with Neon Colors, Exquisite Details and beautifully outlined Square Shapes. Designed with precision, these icons will make your Android home screen simply pop out.▪ Over 2840+ fresh icons.▪ Ready for QHD displays.▪ Dynamic Calendar icons (for Launchers that support this feature) for the following Calendars:aCalendarDigiCal CalendarSol CalendarGoogle CalendarBusiness CalendarToday CalendarSunrise CalendarCal Calendar and your Default System Calendar. ▪ Inbuilt feature to send icon requests.▪ New Material Design dashboard app.▪ Icon masking will theme all your unthemed icons.▪ Cloud based QHD Wallpapers.▪ Full Muzei Live Wallpaper support.▪ Compatible with the following launchers:ADW LauncherAction LauncherApex LauncherAtom LauncherAviate launcherCM Theme EngineGO LauncherHolo LauncherHolo Launcher HDKK LauncherLG HomeLucid LauncherMini LauncherNext LauncherNougat LauncherNova LauncherS LauncherSmart LauncherSolo LauncherZenUI Launcher and more.Please email us if you have any questions regarding the Cosmic Icon Pack and well be happy to help. For icon requests, please use the Request Icons feature available within this application. Support Email ID:
[email protected] us on Facebook and Twitter:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Solarium-Developers/1438450483094163Twitter: https://twitter.com/mihulsinghAdded 60+ Icons based on User Requests.Updated few older Icons.Added code for updated Apps.Minor UI changes for the Dashboard.