\ 妊娠・出産・育児の疑問と悩みを解決するNo.1の「ママ向けお悩みQ&Aアプリ」♪/ママリはママ・プレママが抱える妊活・妊娠・出産・育児の悩みを、匿名で相談できる回答率95%の女性向けアプリです。質問や検索で、月に130万件投稿される先輩ママの妊活・妊娠・出産・育児の知恵を覗いてみましょう♪気軽に何度でも質問OK!経験したことがある悩みには、ぜひアドバイスしてみてくださいね。あなたの回答が誰かの妊活・妊娠・出産・育児の支えになるかもしれません。ママにおすすめの6000本の記事を公開中です♪◆◆ ママリへ込めた想い ◆◆妊活・妊娠・出産は子供をもつ女性が通る共通の体験です。特に初めての妊活・妊娠・出産そして子育ては、本当に不安なことの連続でしょう。ママリはそんな女性の皆さまの妊活・妊娠・出産・育児に寄り添い、悩みや不安を解消することで安心を提供することを目的として生まれたアプリです。妊活、妊娠から出産まで、つわりや陣痛など乗り越えなくてはならないことが本当に沢山ありそして当然ですが赤ちゃんが生まれてからもママは、授乳や離乳食などの育児で考えることがたくさんあります。妊活・妊娠・出産から子育てまで考えることがいっぱいなんだから、せめてその答えは簡単に届けてあげたい。私達はママリが皆さまの抱える疑問や悩みに対し、それぞれ向き合った回答が届く場所を作りたいと思いました。妊娠・出産・子育ての悩みから妊活、マタニティ関連、夫婦関係、家事、仕事、お金、ママ友、お子さんの教育、赤ちゃんのお世話、生理、産後の悩みまで。私達は、ママリが家族の中にいる女性を応援するNo.1アプリとなるよう日々尽力してまいります。◆◆ 妊娠・出産・育児・妊活において、こんなシーンで大活躍!!◆◆妊娠中なら…・もしかして妊娠したかも?妊娠初期症状はどんな感じ?・妊娠が判明、産婦人科やマタニティ施設の口コミを探したい!・妊娠週数に合わせた役立つ情報や医療監修記事を読みたい!・妊娠週数に合わせたお腹の赤ちゃんの成長状況をイラストで知りたい・同じ妊婦・プレママと情報交換をしたい・妊娠中の体重管理、運動はどうしてる?・妊娠から出産までのトツキトオカ(280日)、みんなの体はどう変化してる?・妊娠初期?妊娠後期の胎動はどう変わる?・妊娠中におすすめの人気無料アプリの使い方を聞きたい!・妊娠から出産まで、毎日つわりで吐いてしまう…同じ状況の妊婦さんはいる?・妊娠何週目で赤ちゃんの性別がわかった?・妊娠後期…出産前の前駆陣痛はどんな感じだった?・お腹の赤ちゃんの名付けについて、この漢字はどう思う?・妊娠・出産までの気持ちを記録として残したい♪・夫婦で共有できない妊娠中のデリケートな悩み、匿名で相談したい…・妊娠中におすすめのマタニティレシピ記事を読みたい・妊娠・出産までマタニティマークをつけて、みんなが感じたこと・思ったこと・出産準備を始めたいけど、お金が不安。みんなの出産費用や出産手当の目安はどのくらい?・出産予定日までの計算方法を教えて!・産休中、お給与は出る?給付金や手続きについて知りたい!・妊娠中?出産後の知っていれば受け取れる給付金って?・妊娠・出産でのマタニティブルー、同じ不安を抱えた妊婦・プレママと話したい・妊娠後期のエコー写真で逆子が判明。出産までに逆子が治った人に話を聞きたい!・妊娠から出産までのカウントダウン‥今のうちに何を済ませておくべき?・じんつうきたかも…!しゅっさん間近。陣痛カウント方法を知りたい!・陣痛を和らげる方法が知りたい!・陣痛時計アプリはどれがおすすめ?・陣痛が怖い。。先輩ママの体験談が聞きたい!・自分の妊娠週数に合った医療監修記事が見れるから、情報収集に役立つ♪・最近人気のマタニティウェアショップはどこ?・トレンドのマタニティ グッズを探したい!・おすすめのマタニティ ウェアが知りたい!・マタニティ ウェア・グッズをプレゼントはどう選ぶ?・妊娠したら取りたい栄養素は何?・妊娠してから食事がつらい・・対処方法は?・妊娠してからの無理のないダイエット方法が知りたい・妊娠したらこれはダメ!気を付けたいことを知りたい!・妊娠したけど周りに話しづらい・・相談相手を探したい!・妊娠したらインストールしたいおススメアプリが知りたい!・妊娠初期の先輩ママの体験談からToDoリストが知りたい!・妊娠中期になったら気を付けたいことは何?・妊娠後期、出産までに済ませておかないと困ることは何?・妊娠中のワクチンについて質問したい!育児中なら…・子育てが孤独でストレスが溜まって誰かに聞いてもらいたい…・絶賛育児中…同じ月齢の赤ちゃんやママの状況を知りたい!・先輩ママの子育て中の体験談を読んで安心したい!・生後1ヶ月の赤ちゃん、冬場はどうやってお風呂に入れてる?・赤ちゃんのお世話に自信がなくなっちゃった…そんなときは?・混合から完母に移行した先輩ママ・完ミママ、いろんなママの情報が読みたい・育児中の悩み…みんなは気軽に夫婦で共有できる?・赤ちゃんが離乳食を食べてくれない…みんなはどうやって乗り越えた?・授乳はどこでしてる?子育てタウン情報を仕入れたい!・授乳タイマーはどうやって測ったらいいの?・先輩ママたちの赤ちゃんの泣き止ませテクニックは?・育児ノートや育児手帳、育児記録…つけるとしたら書き方は?・赤ちゃんのための子守唄、どれがおすすめ?・赤ちゃんの月齢に合った役立つお世話の情報を得ることができる!・オムツかぶれや寝かしつけから離乳食、保育園、学資保険まで、育児情報もりだくさん!・ママ向け・赤ちゃんの月齢別・症状別のママ向け医療監修記事・赤ちゃんの成長を学べる人気子育てアプリ!・授乳ノートはどうつける?・授乳が痛くなってきた!?痛くない授乳のコツが知りたい!・離乳食は手作りと市販どっちが赤ちゃんにとって正解?・赤ちゃんの健康管理に離乳食のおすすめレシピは?・赤ちゃんの育児記録・成長記録・子育て記録を家族と共有するには?・赤ちゃんの生活リズムが知りたい!・赤ちゃんが快適に過ごせるおむつの選び方って何?・赤ちゃんの夜泣きが大変・・どう乗り越えらいい?・赤ちゃんにつきっきりでストレスが溜まってしまう・・先輩ママの発散方法・育児に役立つアプリを探したい!・先輩ママの育児体験談を聞きたい!妊活中なら…・妊娠したい。先輩ママがどうやって妊活して妊娠したのか知りたい・今住んでるエリア周辺で不妊治療を行ってる、評判のいい産婦人科の口コミが聞きたい!・妊娠したいのにセックスレス。旦那が妊活に協力的になってくれるにはどうしたら?・2人目不妊で妊活中。同じ状況のママと話してみたい、妊娠できた人の話をききたい!・生理周期管理アプリを使って基礎体温、生理日、排卵日の記録をしているけどなかなか赤ちゃんが出来ない◆◆ 更にママリプレミアムに加入すると! ◆◆【ママリの便利な追加機能が使い放題に!】月間150万件ある質問の中から、よく読まれている質問を見つけることのできる「人気質問検索」や、多数の専門家記事が読める「プレミアム記事」など、ママリプレミアム限定コンテンツが使い放題になります。【7日間無料でお試し!】上記の機能全てが7日間無料でお試しいただけます。お試し期間が終了すると選択した利用プランの利用料金が発生します。◆◆ プレミアムサービスの仕組み ◆◆【価格】月額400円(税込)※価格は変更になる場合がございます※期間は申込日から起算して7日で自動更新されます。お使いのGoogleアカウントに課金されます。【登録状況の確認・自動更新の解除方法】1. 「Playストアアプリ」をタップします2. 「左上のメニューボタン」をタップします3. 「アカウント情報」をタップします4. 「定期購入」をタップします5. 「ママリ」の「キャンセル」をタップします6. 「定期購入を解約」をタップすると、解約されます。その時点の請求締め日に購読停止となります※アプリ内からプレミアムサービスの解約はできませんのでご注意ください。【当月分のキャンセル】プレミアムサービスの当月分のキャンセルについては受け付けておりません。◆ママリ利用規約・プライバシーポリシーhttps://qa.mamari.jp/terms◆◆ ご要望や質問、不具合の報告は下記のサイトからお願いします ◆◆https://qa.mamari.jp/contact◆◆アプリ新規登録時に「通信エラー」が発生する場合について◆◆一部のユーザー様において、アプリの新規登録時に「通信エラー」が発生してしまう状況を確認しております。お手数をおかけしますが、この場合には一度以下の手順で改善されるかご確認ください。【改善手順】1.「設定」アプリをタップします2.「Google」をタップします3.「広告」をタップします4.「広告のカスタマイズをオプトアウトする」のボタンをタップ もしくは 「新しい広告 ID を取得する」をタップします5.「ママリ」アプリを起動します/ちょっとでも気になったアナタ!まずはダウンロードしてみよう!\ The No. 1 "Trouble Q & A app for moms" that solves questions and worries about pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare ♪ /Mamari has problems with pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare that moms and pre-mama have.It is an application for women with a response rate of 95% that allows anonymous consultation.Lets take a look at the wisdom of pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare of senior moms who are posted 1.3 million times a month by asking questions and searching ♪Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! If you have any problems that you have experienced, please give us some advice.Your answer may support someones pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare.We are publishing 6000 articles recommended for moms ♪◆◆ Feelings for Mamari ◆◆Pregnancy, pregnancy and childbirth are common experiences for women with children.Especially for the first time of pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing, it will be a series of really uneasy things.Mamari is close to such womens pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare, and eliminates their worries and anxieties.It is an application that was created with the purpose of providing peace of mind.There are so many things that you have to overcome, such as morning sickness and labor pains, from pregnancy to childbirth.And, of course, even after the baby is born, moms have a lot to think about when raising children such as breastfeeding and baby food.I have a lot of things to think about from pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth to child-rearing, so at least I want to give you the answer easily.We wanted to create a place where Mamari could receive the answers to each of your questions and worries.From pregnancy / childbirth / child-rearing worries to pregnancy, maternity-related, marital relationships, housework, work, money, mom friends, child education,For baby care, menstruation, and postpartum worries.We will strive every day to make Mamari the No. 1 app to support women in the family.◆◆ Great success in such scenes in pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and pregnancy activities! ! ◆◆If you are pregnant ...・ Maybe you got pregnant? What are your early pregnancy symptoms?・ I found out that I was pregnant, and I want to find reviews of obstetrics and gynecology and maternity facilities!・ I want to read useful information and medical supervision articles according to the number of weeks of pregnancy!・ I want to know the growth status of my baby according to the number of weeks of pregnancy with illustrations.・ I want to exchange information with the same pregnant woman / premama・ How do you manage your weight and exercise during pregnancy?・ Totsuki Tooka (280 days) from pregnancy to childbirth, how is everyones body changing?・ How will the fetal movements in the first trimester and the second trimester change?・ I want to hear how to use the popular free app recommended during pregnancy!・ From pregnancy to childbirth, I vomit with morning sickness every day ... Is there a pregnant woman in the same situation?・ How many weeks of pregnancy did you know the sex of your baby?・ Late pregnancy ... What was the prenatal labor pain before giving birth?・ What do you think of this Chinese character for naming your baby?・ I want to keep a record of my feelings until pregnancy and childbirth ♪・ I want to talk anonymously about delicate problems during pregnancy that my husband and wife cannot share ...・ I want to read recommended maternity recipe articles during pregnancy・ What everyone felt and thought about putting a maternity mark on pregnancy and childbirth・ I want to start preparing for childbirth, but Im worried about money. What is the standard for everyones childbirth costs and childbirth allowances?・ Tell me how to calculate until the expected date of delivery!・ Do you get paid during maternity leave? I want to know about benefits and procedures!・ During pregnancy? What benefits can I receive if I know after giving birth?・ Maternity blue in pregnancy and childbirth, I want to talk to pregnant women and pre-mama who have the same anxiety・ Breech birth was found in the echo photograph of the latter half of pregnancy. I want to talk to someone who has had a breech birth before giving birth!・ Countdown from pregnancy to childbirth ... What should I do now?・ Maybe its coming ...! Shu-san is close. I want to know how to count labor pains!・ I want to know how to relieve labor pains!・ Which is the recommended labor clock app?・ Im afraid of labor. .. I want to hear the experiences of my senior mom!・ Because you can see medical supervision articles that match your pregnancy week, it is useful for collecting information ♪・ Where is the most popular maternity wear shop these days?・ I want to find trendy maternity goods!・ I want to know the recommended maternity wear!・ How do you choose maternity wear and goods as gifts?・ What nutrients do you want to get when you become pregnant?・ I have a hard time eating after I became pregnant ... How to deal with it?・ I want to know a reasonable diet method after becoming pregnant・ If you get pregnant, this is no good! I want to know what I want to be careful about!・ Im pregnant but its hard to talk to people around me ... I want to find a counselor!・ I want to know the recommended apps that I want to install when I become pregnant!・ I want to know the ToDo list from the experiences of senior moms in the early stages of pregnancy!・ What do you want to be aware of when you are in the middle of pregnancy?・ What is the problem if you do not finish it by the time you give birth in the latter half of pregnancy?・ I want to ask a question about vaccines during pregnancy!If you are raising a child ...・ I want someone to ask me because my child-rearing is lonely and stressful.・ Acclaimed childcare ... I want to know the situation of babies and moms of the same age!・ I want to be relieved to read the experiences of my senior mom while raising children!・ How do you take a bath for a one-month-old baby in winter?・ Im not confident in taking care of my baby ... What if?・ I want to read information about senior moms who have transitioned from mixed to complete mothers, complete mimama, and various moms.・ Trouble during childcare ... Can everyone feel free to share it with their spouse?・ The baby doesnt eat baby food ... How did everyone get over it?・ Where are you breastfeeding? I want to purchase child-rearing town information!・ How should I measure the breastfeeding timer?・ What is the technique to stop the crying of senior moms babies?・ Childcare notebooks, childcare notebooks, childcare records ... How to write them?・ Which lullaby is recommended for babies?・ You can get useful care information that suits your babys age!・ Lots of childcare information, from diaper rashes and sleeping to baby food, nursery centers, and school insurance!・ For moms ・ Medical supervision articles for moms by age and symptoms of babies・ A popular parenting app that lets you learn about your babys growth!・ How do you attach breastfeeding notes?・ Breastfeeding is getting painful! ?? I want to know the tips of breastfeeding that doesnt hurt!・ Which is the correct answer for babies, homemade or commercially available baby food?・ What are the recommended recipes for baby food for baby health management?・ How to share babys childcare record, growth record, and parenting record with family?・ I want to know the rhythm of my babys life!・ What is the best way to choose a diaper for your baby to spend comfortably?・ Its hard to cry at night for babies ... How can I get over it?・ Stress builds up because of the baby. ・ ・ How to release senior moms・ I want to find an app that is useful for childcare!・ I want to hear about my senior moms childcare experience!If you are pregnant ...・ I want to get pregnant. I want to know how my senior mom got pregnant・ I would like to hear the reviews of the reputable obstetrics and gynecology department, which provides fertility treatment around the area where I live now!・ I want to get pregnant but I have no sex. How can my husband be supportive of fertility?・ The second person is infertile and is pregnant. I want to talk to a mom in the same situation, I want to hear the story of a pregnant person!・ I use the menstrual cycle management app to record the basal body temperature, menstrual days, and ovulation days, but I cant easily have a baby.◆◆ If you join Mamari Premium! ◆◆[Unlimited use of Mamaris convenient additional functions! ]"Popular question search" where you can find frequently read questions from 1.5 million monthly questions, and manyYou can use all-you-can-use Mamari Premium limited content such as "Premium Articles" where you can read expert articles.[Try it for free for 7 days! ]You can try all of the above features for free for 7 days. When the trial period ends, you will be charged for the selected usage plan.◆◆ Mechanism of premium service ◆◆【price】400 yen per month (tax included)* Prices are subject to change.* The period will be automatically renewed in 7 days from the application date.You will be charged for your Google account.[How to check the registration status and cancel the automatic update]1. Tap "Play Store App"2. Tap the "upper left menu button"3. Tap "Account Information"4. Tap "Subscription"5. Tap "Cancel" in "Mamari"6. Tap "Cancel Subscription" to cancel. Subscription will be suspended on the billing deadline at that time* Please note that you cannot cancel the premium service from within the app.[Cancellation for the current month]We do not accept cancellations for the current month of the premium service.◆ Mamari Terms of Service / Privacy Policyhttps://qa.mamari.jp/terms◆◆ Please use the following site for requests, questions, and bug reports ◆◆https://qa.mamari.jp/contact◆◆ About the case where "communication error" occurs when registering a new application ◆◆We have confirmed that some users experience a "communication error" when registering a new app.We apologize for the inconvenience, but in this case, please check once if it can be improved by the following procedure.[Improvement procedure]1. 1. Tap the "Settings" app2. Tap "Google"3. 3. Tap "Advertisement"Four. Tap the "Opt out of ad customization" button or tap "Get a new ad ID"Five. Launch the "Mamari" app/ You are a little worried! Lets download it first! 今回は以下の内容をアップデートしています。・軽微な修正アプリの使用に関して困ったこと・使いづらいなどのご感想は「ママリ運営事務局」にお寄せください。引き続きママリをよろしくお願いいたします! ※アプリの「ドロワー」→「設定・その他」→「お問い合わせ・不具合報告」と進んでいただくと専用のページがございます。