DĂ©couvrez lâapplication Comwatt version 2.0 permettant dâaccĂ©der Ă la solution de gestion intelligente de lâĂ©nergie n°1 en France pour les particuliers, qui allie sans effort Ă©cologie et Ă©conomies dâĂ©nergie.Nos solutions de gestion intelligente de lâĂ©nergie vous aident Ă comprendre et Ă rĂ©duire automatiquement votre consommation dâĂ©nergie sans rĂ©duire votre confort. Nos gestionnaires Comwatt Easy et Comwatt Power, livrĂ©s au sein dâun kit dâautoconsommation proposĂ© et installĂ© par nos installateurs partenaires, analysent et optimisent en temps rĂ©el votre consommation pour faire des Ă©conomies dâĂ©nergie et rĂ©duire jusquâĂ 70% votre facture dâĂ©lĂ©ctricitĂ©.ReliĂ©e Ă une installation photovoltaĂŻque, la Comwatt Power veille en temps rĂ©el Ă dĂ©clencher en prioritĂ© vos Ă©quipements les plus Ă©nergivores lorsque vous produisez de lâĂ©lectricitĂ©. Vous Ă©vitez ainsi dâacheter de lâĂ©nergie au rĂ©seau et rentabilisez efficacement votre installation solaire. Câest lâautoconsommation solaire optimisĂ©e !Nos 2 objectifs : - minimiser votre facture dâĂ©nergie sans vous faire perdre en confort- maximiser la consommation de votre Ă©nergie produite localement en cas dâinstallation photovoltaĂŻqueSuivez et supprimez en temps rĂ©el les gaspillages Ă©nergĂ©tiques de votre habitation ! - Suivi de la consommation Ă©lectrique dĂ©taillĂ©e de votre logement et par appareil connectĂ©- Suivi de la consommation de votre propre Ă©nergie produite localement en cas dâinstallation photovoltaĂŻque- Suivi de vos performances et de vos consommations Ă©nergĂ©tiques en jour, mois ou annĂ©e (taux dâautoproduction, dâautoconsommation)- Suivi de la production photovoltaŃque vendue au rĂ©seau- Visualisation du montant dâĂ©conomies sur facture en âŹPilotez et surveillez Ă distance tous vos appareils Ă©nergivores !- DĂ©marrez tous vos appareils Ă©lectriques dâun seul clic depuis votre smartphone, tablette ou ordinateur- Planification intelligente de vos appareils les plus Ă©nergivores, afin quâils consomment lĂ©nergie au bon moment en cas dâinstallation photovoltaĂŻque- Alertes intelligentes sur les consommations anormales des appareils connectĂ©s- Gestion automatique des veilles de vos appareils Ă©lectriquesLâapplication Comwatt 2.0 fonctionne en complĂ©ment au minimum dâun gestionnaire dâĂ©nergie Comwatt Easy ou Comwatt Power ainsi que dâune prise connectĂ©e Comwatt. Un mot sur Comwatt :Avec 14 prix dâinnovation, 2 brevets dĂ©posĂ©s et 18 000 foyers Ă©quipĂ©s, Comwatt est le leader Français de lâInternet de lâĂ©nergie appliquĂ© Ă lâautoproduction Ă©lectrique. Les ingĂ©nieurs Comwatt ont Ă cĆur de permettre Ă tous de devenir producteur de sa propre Ă©nergie et consommer un maximum dâĂ©nergie produite localement grĂące au gestionnaire dâĂ©nergie Comwatt Power. Toutes les informations sur https://www.comwatt.com/Discover the application Comwatt version 2.0 to access the intelligent energy management solution No. 1 in France for individuals, which effortlessly combines ecology and energy savings.Our intelligent energy management solutions help you understand and automatically reduce your energy consumption without reducing your comfort.Our Comwatt Easy and Comwatt Power managers, delivered as part of a self-consumption kit proposed and installed by our partner installers, analyze and optimize your consumption in real time to save energy and reduce your bill by up to 70%. of electricity.Connected to a photovoltaic system, the Comwatt Power ensures in real time to trigger in priority your most energy consuming equipment when you produce electricity. This avoids buying energy from the grid and effectively making your solar installation work. Its optimized solar self-consumption!Our 2 objectives:- minimize your energy bill without making you lose comfort- maximize the consumption of your locally produced energy in case of photovoltaic installationFollow and remove in real time the energy waste of your home!- Tracking the detailed power consumption of your home and connected device- Monitoring the consumption of your own energy produced locally in case of photovoltaic installation- Monitoring your performance and your energy consumption in day, month or year (rate of self-production, self-consumption)- Monitoring photovoltaic production sold to the grid- Visualization of the amount of savings on invoice in âŹDrive and monitor all your energy-consuming devices remotely!- Start all your electrical devices with one click from your smartphone, tablet or computer- Smart planning of your most energy-hungry appliances, so that they consume energy at the right time in case of photovoltaic installation- Smart alerts on abnormal consumption of connected devices- Automatic management of the watches of your electrical devicesThe Comwatt 2.0 app runs in addition to a minimum of a Comwatt Easy or Comwatt Power energy manager as well as a Comwatt connected plug.A word about Comwatt:With 14 innovation awards, 2 patents filed and 18,000 homes equipped, Comwatt is the French leader in the energy Internet for self-generation. Comwatt engineers are committed to enabling everyone to become a producer of their own energy and consume as much energy as they produce locally through the Comwatt Power Energy Manager. All information on https://www.comwatt.com/Ouverture des liens externes via un nouvel onglet