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[email protected] Telefon: +49 (0) 4106 - 708 25 00 (Kunden)+ 49 (0) 4106 - 70 88 (Interessenten)The new, secure app for Junior Giro& # 10004; Anytime, check the account balance anywhere& # 10004; find ATMs for free lifting near you& # 10004; Saving easy with their own savings goals& # 10004; Use your own images to the appCool features of comdirect MoBox at a glance:Your Junior Giro is mobile with comdirect MoBox   & Bull; Tobiano your account on the go. So youll always know how much money you have in your account   & Bull; comdirect MoBox shows you where to find the nearest ATMmade saving easy   & Bull; Put savings targets and shifting money that you want to save, in this   & Bull; Upload a photo for each of your desires High - makes even more like to save   & Bull; Once you have enough money together, crack your piggy bank and fill you your desiredQR Code Scanner   & Bull; With the QR Code scanner you exchanged with friends your account data quickly from   & Bull; Transfers are done super fast with the QR Code ScannerFull your style   & Bull; You can comdirect MoBox customize to your taste   & Bull; Simply upload your profile picture up and determine your background image   & Bull; Also for your friends, you can set individual profiles with picturesHere you find more about comdirect MoBox: www.comdirect.de/moboxIf you like comdirect MoBox, we look forward to a good review here on Google Play Store.You do not have Junior Giro? Then you inform here with your parents about the free comdirect Junior Giro: www.comdirect.de/juniorgiroIf you have questions or requests for comdirect MoBox, feel free to register with us:Email:
[email protected]: +49 (0) 4106 - 708 25 00 (customer)+ 49 (0) 4106 - 70 88 (prospective)Behebung kleiner Fehler