Rada is an app to notify your House & Home problems/request regarding Auto, Motorbike, Air conditioner, Refrigerator, Washer, TV, Cleaning, Maid... to the services provider nearby.The best Professionals/Services/Providers within 1-3-5-10km radius base on the map will receive your message instantly and if they are ready to deliver services, they will connect and call to you. You can choose the best one depending on Distance/Location and/or their Reputation based on rating & review to serve. Only when you chose the service provider, they will know your location on the map, phone number to communicate with you to deliver the services. The price for onsite service delivery may be a difference in the price of repair shop because of moving and equipment, you can refer the price’s listing on the app for detail.Currently, we provide connection to those services as follow:- Car, Motorbike & Electric bike repair & rescue- Home appliances repair & maintenance (Air conditioner, Refrigerator, Washer, TV...)- House & Home repair, painting, piping, plumbers, carpenters, locksmith...- Home computer, Camera & IT equipment repair at home- Washing & carpet cleaning- Home healthcare service- Airport car pickup & delivery...If you satisfy or disqualify with the quality of service delivery, please giving your feedback to us by rate/vote or review them in-app. Your feedback will help us to trace the actual situation and improve the quality of service.For more information, please connect and follow us on website https://rada.asia or our Facebook Fan page https://www.facebook.com/radacogiquanhta/ For Vietnamese, please visit us on https://apprada.vnRada received the top pride on Vietnam IT Talent Award 2017 and sponsored by Facebook FBStart program. Thank you and enjoy our services!Fix bug in login FB, Google