They may even have normalized overworking in pursuit of money, but WE DON T!We believe that success, money and prosperity are in hard work. But this hard work is of no use without an ecosystem that helps you with the right tools and the right knowledge. Thats why we created this tool called Business Connection.The Business Connection (CB) is much more than a mere application of news about enterprises, sports, culture, health, among other topics.Its a tool where you can advertise your business and still make sales, prospect customers, post news and news, all in a single application.I KNOW ITS A LOT, but calm down, lets explain it better one by one!Clearly and objectively, here at the Business Connection, after downloading and registering, you will be able to:1. Create personalized job postings and news totally freeHere on our platform you will have news, but not only that, it is news highly filtered by an advanced artificial intelligence that will take care that everything shown to you is constructive and effectively helps in the positive mental nutrition of our users.2. Having visibility without having to invest moneyYou will be able to reach more people and generate more visibility and profit for your business, when registering you will put information that will allow people interested in your product to reach you directly.3. The most complete marketplace on the market - physical, digital and matching productsStill not selling online? Is your business stopped or closing? Dont worry, we have an e-commerce with the latest technology.Post your product simply and quickly, in a few clicks everything you want to sell will go directly to CBs e-commerce.A marketplace where we connect you to everything you want, giving you the freedom to buy, sell and advertise your own products. Buy what you want and sell what you want!4. Jobs, no more handing out resumes!If your goal is not to sell products, but to enter the job market, this is the right place for you!Advertise job vacancies or find the vacancy that best fits your dreams and goals. Sign up and have a WIDE possibility and options to choose from.We focus on bringing you a pleasant, practical and organized experience. Search for jobs that best fit your profile.5. Links!Are you looking for an extra income? Here we want to bring accessibility and put money in your pocket, so anyone, whether experienced or beginner, can use the link to earn extra income.You create an instant link and from there you can share it with groups, friends, family or even use advanced marketing strategies to sell and profit on a large scale.Without many rules here, our intention is to leverage you to success, do as you wish, spread the word now and put more money in your pocket!6. Influence: a new way to make moneyFor you who are an influencer, even for you who are not yet an influencer but want to start.Simply register as an influencer and send proposals directly to the profile of the owner of the product/service you wish to influence.7. Coupons! Saving is too good, right?You know when you want to buy a product but the price doesnt cooperate?To solve this, we give you the option to create your own discount coupons for the desired products.With this possibility, we help you buy a product with that price that we like, and amazingly (dont tell anyone) but if you create your discount coupon and share it with other people, in addition to you and these people saving, you too wins.Create your discount coupon, share, save and put money in your pocket._Yes, we told you that it is a complete application.The Business Connection is your partner in this plan B of yours, count on us!