The Gente ESSA app is aimed at workers at the Electrificadora de Santander S.A. ESP. With it, it is sought that the worker can access and consult their personal data and company data from anywhere through a mobile device, at the same time that allows them to perform basic procedures with the company, generate reports and certificates.Home screen (splash screen)When loading the application, it presents the home screen for a few seconds, which will show the company logo and corporate image.Login ScreenTo enter the application, the user must enter their username and active directory key.User RegistrationIt allows the registration of an active directory user (ESSA worker only).Registration is required:-Full name-User of Active Directory or application.-Email.-Password.Application MenusThe application has four main menus that the user can access.MenuIt presents the main options of the application:-Curriculum vitae-Query-Permissions-InformationResume: Allows the worker to consult Basic Data andCompany data.Consultation: Allows the worker to make inquiries throughReports and certificates of: Payment Flyer, Social Security, Holidays, Certificates.Permits: Allows consultation and processing of requests for hourly permits for the worker.Information: Presents a list of multiple web links, which point to different information pages ofinterest for employees.How Do You Feel Today: Optional use screen, is only activated once a day, so that the worker selects the mood of one day.