Photo Writer Professionaltext on photo & Sticker On PhotoAdded the shape name section (create heart and shape names)* New update: Added making a condolence statement and making a tombstone* In the new update, sticker and background download problems have been solved. In the new update, a collection of photos of ready-made posts was also addedAdded timeline section: You can send photos of the posts you create to the timeline of the program and expose them to all users.With full features and better than any other similar app. Just install and compare with other similar programs.More than 60 special effects for imagesTypes of stickers with constant updatesBackground types in different categories with constant updatesAbility to share created imagesA variety of high-speed text beautification toolsMulticolor textTypes of Iranian and foreign fontsPhoto by a Persian writerPhoto Romantic WriterThe heart of a professional writerHeart WriterEditing photos is like a professionPhoto by romantic, religious, motivational, humorous, happy birthday, GodAdded making a condolence statementAdded tombstone constructionWrite text on the photo