Color Gear is a useful color tool that helps to create harmonious color palettes. To find the right color palette, designers and artists use color theory and the basis of it: color wheel and harmony. You dont need to be a color expert in order to use this app β Color Gear is a user-friendly application suitable for beginners and pros. The perfect app for understanding color theory and daily working with palettes.Use color wheel that suits your needsOur app supports two color models β RGB Color Wheel (Additive model) and RYB Color Wheel (Subtractive model). RGB (the primary colours are Red, Green, Blue) is used to create colors in digital media. The RYB color model (the primary colours are Red, Yellow, Blue) relates specifically to color in the form of paint and pigment application in art and design. For both RGB and RYB Color wheel (Itten circle) you can apply one of the 10 plus color schemes.Build color palettes based on the added color codeJust type in the color name (HEX code) and discover different color harmonies matching this particular colour.Ability to extract colors from uploaded imagesThis feature will turn your photos into color palettes! Select the desired picture from your phone and the applications algorithms will automatically obtain the color palette from the image. Also you can manually pick specific colors from the photo with the Color Picker tool (color grab). Then you can Select desired colors and save the palette. Copy a particular HEX color code under color swatch to the clipboard and Paste it in the first Tab (RGB) - in this case you will discover different color harmonies matching your particular color from the image.Save the Palette along with the Image that you uploadedThis feature gives an ability to Create a Collage. Choose a layout, place the palette on the image and Share it on social media or via messenger, or save it.Advanced color editing toolIt is very important to balance the quantitative ratio of color in order to make your palette look harmonious in practice. You can quickly mix colors in the images: there are 3 pictures and gradient in the palette editing mode and you can see how the selected colors look in different ratios. By clicking on the particular color swatch you can easily edit the color values (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) with precision.Easy to manage and shareEasily Save, Share, Remove and Edit already saved palettes. To open the menu just Swipe left your saved palette. You can always copy a particular color code under color swatches to the clipboard. Six color formats available in palette info (RGB, HEX, LAB, HSV, HSL, CMYK).Two color circles β RGB and RYB, 10+ Ρolor harmony schemes, option to enter a color code (HEX code input), ability to get a color palette from an image or photo, Color Picker tool (color finder) and an ability to save the palette along with the image. All these tools are always at hand in one application that works offline! Create harmonious palettes with ease.We are always glad to receive your feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
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