COFAEThe State Performing Arts Fairs Coordinator is a non-profit cultural association that was founded in 2006 and brings together some of the most important performing arts fairs in the StateMissionCoordination, collaboration and dissemination of the concept of performing arts market in the field of performing arts, both nationally and internationally.VisionCOFAE, respecting the characteristics of the different fairs, wants to promote fairs as a public service, a market catalyst, a meeting point for professionals in the performing arts sector and a space for reflection and training. Position itself as an interlocutor with public and private administrations and institutions and be a benchmark of transparency, professionalism and good practicesValues* Collaboration* Transparency* Active listening* Commercial revitalizationObjectives* Coordination* Communication* Internal collaboration* Carrying out market research* Dissemination of the fair concept both at a state and international level* Interlocution with administrations and public and private institutions* Participation in networks and cooperation platforms with other organizations.Who is who?CHAIRMAN Manuel Jesus Gonzalez FernandezTREASURER Salvador SanzSECRETARY Pol GilVOWELS* Marian Oscar* Michael Santamaria*Lau Delgado* Lydia FennelCurrently Cofae is made up of the following fairsMAD Performing Arts FairFETEN. European Fair of Performing Arts for Boys and GirlsdFAIR Donostia / San SebastianEqual Show. Fair of Children and Youth ShowsFair of Performing and Musical Arts of Castilla La ManchaTrapezi, Fira del Circ de CatalunyaUmore Azoka-Leioa Street Artists FairGalicia Scene PROPalma, Performing Arts FairLleida Titelles Theater FairTheater Fair of Castilla y León- Ciudad RodrigoFiraTàrregaAlcoi Theater ShowFair B!International theater and dance fair - HuescaMediterranean Fair of ManresaFIET, Childrens and Youth Theater Fair of the Balearic IslandsManacor Theater FairIberian Show of Performing Arts (MAE)Where we are?On this website, in the 2.0 networks, in each of the associated fairs and in the different professional performing arts forums, both national and international.