Save time finding houses for sale, houses for rent, furnished apartments and land for sale in any neighbourhood with the Hauzisha app. Finding your perfect fit starts hereFind your place with details photos and a variety of listings that you wonโt find anywhere else The Hauzisha app gives you resources and tools to help make your house-hunting or land search journey smarter and more seamless* Know which rental houses, houses for sale, furnished apartments, land, offices, shops, or go-downs are near any given point on Google Maps such as your workplace, school or any general point of interest*Use the radius option to sort only those houses close to the point selected*Know which houses are listed by owners and which ones are listed by agents*Use Filters for budget, land size, house types, and amenities to see only options that match your need*Save what you like and follow up on your own time*Get Push notifications when houses or land matching specific criteria are listed