Class 11 History(इतिहास) Notes Hindi and English in Very Simple language.11th History Hindi Medium Contains the follwoing Chapter:★पाठ 1 समय की शुरूआत★पाठ 2 लेखन कला और शहरी जीवन★पाठ 2 तीन महाद्वीपों में फैला साम्राज्य★पाठ 4 इस्लाम का उदय और विस्तार★पाठ 5 यायावर साम्राज्य★पाठ 6 तीन वर्ग★पाठ 7 बदलती हुई सांस्कृतिक परंपराएँ★पाठ 8 संस्कृतियों का टकराव★पाठ 9 औद्योगिक क्रांति★पाठ 10 मूल निवासियों का विस्थापन★पाठ 11 आधुनिकीकरण के रास्ते11th History English Medium Contains the follwoing Chapter:★Chapter 1 From the Beginning of Time★Chapter 2 Writing and City Life★Chapter 3 An Empire Across Three Continents★Chapter 4 The Central Islamic Lands★Chapter 5 Nomadic Empires★Chapter 6 The Three Orders★Chapter 7 Changing Cultural Traditions★Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures★Chapter 9 The Industrial Revolution★Chapter 10 Displacing Indigenous Peoples★Chapter 11 Paths to ModernizationThis app contains all the question answer of class 11 NCERT History textbook. This is an all in one solution and notes app for class 11 history students of NCERT syllabus.