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CBTwithyou: CBT with you at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: CBTwithyou
Price: $ 3.99
Current version: 500+, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: 7 Mb
4.2 ( 32 ratings )

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CBT withyou application was developed to promote cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) by assisting clients in coping with real time events. CBT withyou helps clients to better manage and cope with events or experiences by providing them alternative thoughts, suitable behavior, identification of thought distortion and supportive written and recorded messages. CBT withyou content is all saved in one place and is created during therapy sessions. It is custom made for the unique needs of each client.CBT withyou encourages clients to practice therapeutic tools which are provided in the therapy sessions and makes it easy to monitor clients behavior in a specific event as well as over a period of time.Language selection issue has been fixedMinor Bug Fix

Latest version CBTwithyou: CBT with you: 500+

Language selection issue has been fixedMinor Bug Fix

Apps Changes History:
  • New App Version 3 -> 0
  • New App Version 3 -> 3
  • New App Version 3 -> 3


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