The most popular chat application with call and video call facilities today is of course WhatsApp. Currently, WhattApp users in the world have reached more than 1 billion people. This is because WhatsApp is a chat application that is easy to use and equipped with features that make users feel more at home using itOne of the conveniences commonly used is the WhatsApp group feature. By using this feature, you can communicate with your friends at once. But sometimes, for some reason and how, your WhatsApp number can be put into a group that doesnt really matter.Feeling insignificant, the messages in the group pile up because you never read them. However, to leave the group you feel embarrassed because many old friends are there. Then how do you get out of the WA group without getting caught?Take it easy, you dont need to worry, this application will give you tips and tricks on how to leave the WhatsApp group secretly.