JNE (Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir) is a company engaged in the field of logistics delivery services based in Jakarta. Along with the business development achieved by JNE, in 1991 the company began to expand its service area.In addition to providing services for domestics, JNE has also begun expanding its network internationally to join associations of companies engaged in the same field within the scope of Asia known as ACCA.The JNE Express Division serves packages of domestic time-sensitive packages and documents through more than 1,500 exclusive service points from pickup to delivery which are spread throughout Indonesia. This service utilizes the fastest mode of transportation available and serves various types of services according to customer needs.YES Yakin Services Till Until, OK Economical shipping costs, until the Retail COD program has become the belle of consumers in recent years. This is in line with the increasing size of e-commerce transactions. Each service has different shipping rates according to the type of shipment and also estimated days (ETD).How to check jne shipping ? You can access the jne site, and click the shipping rates link. Fill in the city of origin and destination city and the weight of the package to be sent. After all data is filled, the fees charged for each available jne service will appear automatically. You just have to choose what service to use. Tutorial on how to check the full JNE receipt you can see in this application.