Magento Admin is an easy tool to manage your Magento Store Orders with your finger tips. It will give you complete control on the Orders with invoices and shipments without any middle-ware bridge installation between your Magento Store and your Mobile.You will just have to create an API USER and a ROLE and keep those details with you for Authentication purpose. (You can see the steps on how to create an API Users at the bottom.) This app is a secured tool as all the information transferred between the Store and this App is via the use of Magento’s standard API’s. All the data transferred is in XML format. Magento Admin Order Management App Features:• Hold an Order.• Un-hold an Order.• Cancel an Order.• Create an Invoice.• Create the Shipment.• Add tracking Details of an Order while generating its Shipment.• Complete an Order.• Get New Order Notifications.• Refresh the Order list at one go button manually.An Order’s Preview would provide every minute details about that Order like:• The Ordered Items and its quantity.• Billing and Shipping Details.• The Payment Information like the method of payment and other required information.• Shipping and Handling Information• Customer Account Details information.• Orders totals like subtotal, tax, paid amount, refunded amount etc.• You can contact customer by just clicking the contact number in billing and shipping details or email id in customer information. (V 7.0) • You can add and view customer comments for a given order, invoice and shipment. (V 7.0) Fetching of Orders in 3 different ways:1. Fetching on the Time Span:-• Last 24 hours Orders.• Last 7 days Orders.• Last 30 days Orders.2. Fetching on the Order Status:-• Pending.• Processing.• On Hold.• Canceled.• Complete.• All Status.3. Fetching Order Information :- • By Order ID• By First Name• By Last Name• By Email Id• By Selecting DateOther Features :• Notification System. You will get a notification whenever a new Order is placed in the Store. The time for notification interval can be set from the settings section.• • Change the Store at a single click.• Auto Login.• Order Notification Alert Profile mode (Silent/Sound/Vibrate+Sound/Mute).• You can Change Order Status with Message notification to your customer.Fixed Issues in Version 7.0Fixed login issue.Fixed Notification issue.Fixed some minor issue in loading and filtering data.New Features in Version 7.0Fetching of Invoices and Shipments are with Time Basis and also by its details like invoice id, shipment id, date range.Fetching of Invoices by its status and also setup notifications for invoices.In shipments, you can add and delete tracking numbers. In shipments and invoices, you can add and view comments.Time Period Configuration is added in settings for status based order filters.Customer details are added in list of orders, invoices and shipmentsAll dates in lists and detail pages are displayed as per your mobile timezone.Qty selection is added in creating invoice and shipment from order detail page.Email button is added to send pdf of order/invoice/shipment details to a different email address in detail pageSteps to create API USER and ROLE in the Admin Side: 1. First create a ROLEa. System->Web Servicesb. SOAP/XML-RPC-Roles( or only Roles)c. Add New Roled. In the Role info, give the Role Name,In the Role Resources, Select “Sales” option and Save.2. Create API Usera. System->Web Servicesb. SOAP/XML-RPC-Users( or only Users)c. In User info, give all appropriate Details in each field. (Remember User Name and API Key)d. In User Role, select previously created ROLE, Save.Now, this API Username and API Key are to be entered in the Magento Admin Application along with the Store URL (for e.g. for Authentication.If you face any problem while using this app, you can always contact us so we will help you to fix it. You can contact us on
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