Glints is Indonesia & Southeast Asiaās largest job search app & job portal that can help you discover remote, full time, part time, internship, and freelance jobs from 50.000+ companies and startups in Indonesia. You can find any job in any city in Indonesia and get hired today!Glints app features:š¼ CAREER & JOB SEARCHā¢ Find and apply for job vacancies from 50.000+ companies and startups in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, with 15.000+ new jobs updated monthlyā¢ Apply for āFOR YOUā jobs recommended directly by Glints based on your job preference to help you find your dream careerā¢ Find jobs in cities or districts that you want, or nearby your local areaā¢ Filter your job search based on city, salary, type of job, year of experience, and moreā¢ Discover remote work opportunities, internship, full time, part time, and freelance or side jobs in Indonesiaā¢ Bookmark jobs that you love and apply later for your convenienceā¢ Learn about salary information in various positions and industries in Indonesiaā¢ Instantly apply for jobs by uploading your CV directly to the appā¢ Get notified of urgently hiring jobs and new job recommendations daily via our job alertsā¢ Track your job application status update in real time, only on the appā¢ Find jobs with no work experience required and jobs dedicated to fresh graduatesš¬ QUICKLY APPLY FOR JOBS VIA CHATā¢ Send your job applications with ease and at ease via chatā¢ Chat directly with the hiring managers to follow up on your job application statusā¢ Use chat templates to be more professional in applying for jobsā¢ Schedule your job interview and skill tests with the hiring managers easily via chatā¢ Send your CV and exchange numbers with the hiring managers in chatš RESUME & PROFILEā¢ Build your professional profile within minutes on Glints app by using your CV or resumeā¢ Upload your resume and CV directly to the app for a faster recruitment process to get hired todayā¢ Add your work experience, educational background, and industry-relevant skills to get hired by recruiters and get process in your recruitment process more quickly ā¢ Instantly update your profile using a PDF-formatted CV or resumeāØ APPLICATION TARGET & REWARDSā¢ Set the target for when you want to get hired and Glints will help you determine how many job applications that you need to sendā¢ Collect points for every job application that you send and shortlisted by HRD or company recruitersā¢ Level up and claim your rewards: discounts on numerous Glints ExpertClass coursesā¢ Track your application progress directly on the Glints appAre you trying to:ā¢ search for jobs and grow your career?ā¢ casually look for jobs and their salary information from many companies across Indonesia?ā¢ find jobs with no work experience required for fresh graduates?Glints can help to find the right jobs for you.Or, perhaps, are you:ā¢ fresh graduates that have no idea of where and how to find jobs, or side jobs, for the first time in your life?ā¢ job seekers that are open to new work opportunities or recruitment in other companies and cities to further grow your skills and career?ā¢ job seekers that want to switch careers but donāt know where to start?Glints is the right-fit solution for you. No need to attend hundreds of job fairs and go here and there to send your job applications, simply find your dream jobs at ease, at your fingertips, on the app.Glints has helped more than 4 million people realize their human potential to grow in their careers.Glints will help you with your career needs: Recruitment and job search? Check. Sending job applications? Check. Online career classes and courses? Check. And many more! Your truly career super app.Be part of millions professionals in Indonesia and Southeast Asia to grow their careers and land their dream jobs via Glints.Contact
[email protected] to share your feedback and suggestions, and get support or further information from our team.