Many people use the Savings Account as a way of obtaining income, as it is an investment that offers security, with almost zero risks.With this App, you can simulate the income generated by the money invested in this modality. Efficiently, and with several resources, this App informs the final amount, for the time the money remains, the interest generated month by month as well as the accumulated interest.The App works with all world currencies such as Euro, Dollar and etc.App also generates reports, which can be shared through files or just viewed clearly, with earnings, interest, etc.With a very intuitive interface and a variety of options, involving monthly and annual rates and terms, the App will provide you with financial returns on your investment.In a simple way, you inform the initial capital (initial deposit) in your investment in savings, inform the interest rate, the investment time and automatically the App already calculates all the return you will have on this investment, (Invested capital + income generated by fees). You also have the option of informing the fixed contribution (deposit made every month)When opening the APP you already have pre-configured some values, such as the monthly interest rate that is commonly used by banks. These values can easily be changed by you according to what is necessary, such as the values that you will invest initially, contribution, and current rate.The user also has the option to save the simulations performed, where he can later retrieve several simulations that were performed.Simulation data are displayed in summary form as well as in detail, through graphical analysis and also through spreadsheets fed with columns informing the income growth over time, with details of accrued interest, monthly interest, total accumulated capital and etc.Another option that places this App as one of the best is that of being able to save the complete simulations in spreadsheets in PDF files, where the user can also share the information of the simulations with other Apps of use, thus sending them through emails or chat apps the files for other users.The Apps graphical interface was designed in a very modern and sophisticated way, creating an easy-to-use environment for any user. You will have no difficulties in understanding how to use the APP.And if you have any questions, please get in touch or leave comments about the App, and as soon as possible we will always be responding and improving according to the suggestions given, so it is important that users comment and evaluate.