Do you want to know how much is left for your bus? With Transporte Bus Palencia you can access the arrival times of the buses at each urban bus stop in Palencia.From the data offered online by PALBUS (Pal Bus or Autobuses Urbanos de Palencia S.L.) through its website, Transporte Bus Palencia deduces the position of each deployed urban bus and displays it on the screen. This way you will not only know how much time your bus has left to arrive, but also where it is at the moment, obtaining a much more realistic view than simple time data.Transport Bus Palencia includes, among other features:- Consultation of waiting times per stop.- Map of bus stops in the city of Palencia.- Search for bus routes from an origin stop and another destination stop.- Consultation of waiting times for each stop on the same urban bus line.- Information on schedules and frequencies of each of the Palencia urban bus lines.