Knowing your future balance in advance will help you adjust your expenses for the current month to avoid overdraft fees. Budget Calendar displays and forecast your cash flow from today to 15 years from now based on your spending trends and recurring incomes.Great for individuals or business owners to maintain a healthy budget. After you see how much you can save, you will change your spending behaviors. 70k users from previous versions is our testimony.
You wont need another finance app after Budget Calendar. If you are unhappy with your purchase we will give you your money back.
Budget Calendar comes with:Balance and Cashflow ForecasterBill RemindersMultiple Account HandlerCustom categoriesSync between different devicesDaily, Weekly, Monthly Budget toolOverdue and Recurring reportsGraphs, Reports, and Plot analysis
Know in advance when you will be out of funds. Budget Calendar is the only app that helps you forecast your balance on a calendar and sync your budget between your family, friends and partners on Android and iOS devices.
BC distinguishes itself from the other budget apps because of its unique Balance Forecast System and more than 10 finance tools packed on it.
BALANCE FORECASTNo more overdraft fees. No more guessing when your balance will be negative. BC will display your balance in a calendar view so you know exactly how much money you will have on any particular day, week or month.
SYNC, BACKUP, RESTORESync your budget between your friends and family on their Android or iOS devices with our new syncing add-on. 12.99 for 6M, 19.99 for a year. OPTIONAL, NOT MONTHLY CHARGED. Web Sync will be available in 45 days.
MONEY TRANSFERSNow you will be able to move money from one account to the other by just selecting transfer.
BUDGET TRACKINGOur new budget tool will help you set a goal and maintain your expenses under budget. It will also show you how much money you are saving each month.
SPREADSHEETThis tool will help you browse through all your transactions 6 months in advance, and all within one screen.
BILL REMINDERSYou will be able to assign reminders to your bills and receive notifications for when they are due; this will help you avoid late fees.
5 CALCULATORSEver wonder how much will your total be after sales tax/ discounts, not to mention the tap on a restaurant? With our 5-in-1 calculator (Tip, Sales Tax, Discount, Mortgage, and Loan calculator with amortization table) you will be in control of your expenses.
TRANSACTION SCHEDULINGNo more remembering or writing a pay bill list. No more figuring out what expenses are on auto pay or recurring. With BC you will be able to schedule your income, expenses, and bills based on date and frequency of your choice and know exactly how much money you have on any given day.
CHARTS & REPORTSWould you like to know what expenses are the ones taking most of your income? BC analyzes your data and builds pie charts and bar charts by category and amount, plus 8 more: Income vs. Expenses, Accounts, Bills, Reminders, Not Paid, Recurring, Expenses and Spreadsheet.
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTChecking, Savings, Credit Cards, IRA, Investments, you name it.
TRANSACTION FEATURESSometimes we forget where we spend our money, and having the word utility or restaurant just doesnât help us remember. With our new âwrite notes and memos featureâ you wonât need to remember. You will also be able to create your own category and icon using your device camera.
CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGSPass code protection, Account management, Currency Selector, Date Format, Push notifications, and more.
LANGUAGESEnglish & Spanish, more to come.
Note: account creation needed.