《毛泽东荒淫无道的糜烂生活》 at Google Play market analyse

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《毛泽东荒淫无道的糜烂生活》 at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Books & Reference
Developer: 禁书网
Price: 0 free
Current version: 1.0, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 21 Nov 2013
App size: 931 Kb
4.4 ( 3344 ratings )

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《毛泽东荒淫无道的糜烂生活》收录了大量的毛泽东荒淫无道的糜烂生活的历史事实。---据赫鲁晓夫——《赫鲁晓夫回忆录》:在莫斯科,毛亲口对我说:“第三次世界大战应该在中国展开,待我们将美军引入纵深后,请你们苏联向我们投原子弹,一举全歼美军主力。可能因此死亡中国三分之二的人口,但换来一个世界大同还是值得的!”当时我真替中国人捏把汗,让三亿中国人送死当炮灰这种事也能脱口而出,他和谁商量过?对自已国民实施大屠杀,他就这么的自然而然地说出了口,而且说的轻松异常,仿佛在谈论天气一样,这是人还是魔鬼?!”---他活着时,人民吃不饱饭,穿不暖衣,说不了话,想不了问题,一个运动接着一个运动,一场杀戮接着一场杀戮,一次毁灭接着一次毁灭,屁民的生生死死不过是他挥手间的流沙,转眸时的烟云。他用三十年吹嘘了一个乌托邦主义的天堂,他用三十年建立了一个血腥的人间地狱,他用三十年断送了一个古老的民族……。“新中国”70年,只做了两件事:1、公私合营、人民公社;2、否定公私合营、否定人民公社。前30年,冤假错案超过三千年总和。后30年,贪污腐败超过三千年总和。1955年中国人均收入是韩国的3.2倍,日本1.1倍。经过50多年“翻天覆地”增长。2008年中国人均收入是日本的3%,韩国7%。---卖国贼是谁?49年,他挥挥手,蒙古独立了!50年,他签个字,图瓦地区归苏联了!57年,胡志明一个电话,夜莺岛白送给越南了!60年,缅甸说打老蒋,滇西山区就酬谢给人家了!62年,金日成要天池,长白山东南立马就划拉出去了!63年,尼泊尔喊万岁,喜马拉雅即刻划走一半……因字数限制,不一一列举了。---毛左说:没有毛伟人,你不会有今天的生活。 我说:台澳港都没毛,30多年前就过得比你丫现在还好。新加坡没毛,生活得比我们好;日本、南韩没毛,比我们富多了。大陆有毛,饿死3000多万人。这毛暖和?---中国不同于中共,中国有数千年文明历史,中共只有71年历史,中共不能代表中国,中共只是一个反华政权,专门杀华害华、坑华反华。使用说明:轻轻滑动手指翻页,可自行修改设置字体大小、字体颜色、背景颜色,白天/夜晚模式,添加书签,自动记忆上次阅读位置。"Mao Zedongs Desolate and Innocent Life" contains a large number of historical facts about Mao Zedongs desolate and innocent life.---According to Khrushchev-"Memoirs of Khrushchev":In Moscow, Mao personally said to me: "The Third World War should be launched in China. After we bring the US military into the depths, please the Soviet Union to drop atomic bombs on us and wipe out the main force of the US military in one fell swoop. This may kill two-thirds of China. Population, but it’s worth it to trade for a world of Great Harmony!"At that time, I really squeezed my sweat on behalf of the Chinese, and let 300 million Chinese die as cannon fodder. Whom did he discuss with? When he carried out the massacre of his own citizens, he just said it naturally, and he said it very easily, as if he was talking about the weather. Is this a man or a devil? ! "---When he was alive, the people could not eat enough, did not wear warm clothes, could not speak, could not think of problems, one movement after another, one killing after another, one destruction after another, the life and death of the assassin was nothing but life and death. The quicksand between his hands, the smoke when he turned his eyes. He used thirty years to brag about a utopian paradise, he built a bloody hell on earth in thirty years, and ruined an ancient nation in thirty years...In the 70 years of "New China", only two things have been done: 1. Public-private partnerships, peoples communes; 2. Denial of public-private partnerships, and peoples communes. In the first 30 years, the total number of unjust, false and wrongly filed cases exceeded three thousand years. In the next 30 years, corruption exceeded three thousand years in total. In 1955, Chinas per capita income was 3.2 times that of South Korea and 1.1 times that of Japan. After more than 50 years of "sharpening" growth. In 2008, Chinas per capita income was 3% of Japans and South Koreas 7%.---Who is the traitor?In 49 years, he waved his hand and Mongolia became independent! In 50 years, he signed that the Tuva area belongs to the Soviet Union! In 57 years, Ho Chi Minh made a call and Nightingale Island gave it to Vietnam! In 60 years, when Burma said that it beat Lao Chiang, the mountainous area in western Yunnan would be rewarded to others! In 62, when Jin Ilcheng wanted Tianchi, the southeast of Changbai Mountain was immediately drawn out! In 63 years, Nepal shouted long live, and the Himalayas were instantly cut in half...Due to the word limit, I will not list them one by one.---Mao Zuo said: Without Mao, you would not have the life you are today. I said: Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong are all hairless, more than 30 years ago, they were better off than you are now. Singapore has no hair and lives better than us; Japan and South Korea have no hair and are much richer than us. There is hair on the mainland, and more than 30 million people died of starvation. Is this hair warm?---China is different from the CCP. China has a history of thousands of years of civilization. The CCP has only 71 years of history. The CCP cannot represent China. The CCP is only an anti-China regime that specifically kills China and pits China against China.Instructions for use:Gently slide your finger to turn the page, you can modify and set the font size, font color, background color, day/night mode, add bookmarks, and automatically remember the last reading position.



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