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[email protected] function of checking the adapter for operability has appeared.*Recommended Chip Adapter: PIC18F25K80Works on Android 4.1+ devices with adapters: ELM 327 Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB.The program is designed to work with original ELM327 adapters. (performance with Chinese adapters is not guaranteed)The program is intended for:- NMPS 2 (kh #) with engines 4D56,4M41- NMPS 3 (ks1 #) with 4N15 engine- Pajero IV with 4M41 engine- Delica D5 with 4N14 engine- Outlander with 4N14 engineProgram features:1. Test of the ELM327 adapter for suitability to work with the program.2. Reading and deleting errors on the main control units.3. Reading and deleting errors by OBD protocol.4. Control of the current parameters of the engine.5. Control of injector correction values.6. Registration of ID injectors after their replacement(only via USB ELM).7. Carrying out an injector test.8. Learning to small injection.9. Teaching the injection pump valve.10. Control of fuel leaks.11. Special. functions for automatic transmission.12. Control of pressure and temperature in tires.13. Registration of new tire pressure sensors.14. Correction of the output of data on tire pressure in the program, after rearranging the wheels.15. Calibration of the rudder position sensor.16. Monitoring the parameters of the particulate filter (DPF).17. Carrying out forced DPF regeneration.18. Oil change service for engines with DPF.19. Possibility of registration of original sensors tire pressure20. Parameter control ABS NMPS2In the program folder, a log is written in text format, as well as a learning log in csv format, which can be viewed using Excel in text or graphic form.UPDATE:v1.0.50 added OBDII protocolv1.0.31 changes in registration tab of TPMS sensors IDv1.0.30add Forced regeneration DPF 4N15, 4N14v1.0.29add Engine oil change servicev1.0.28added a tab with the parameters of the gasoline engine 6B31added the Exit item to the menuv1.0.27technical updatev1.0.26added parameters for training conditions for 4N15fixed the name of the DPF 4N15 tabv1.0.25Added tab with the main engine parameterssmall injection training tab changedv1.0.24voltage data on the mains is now taken from the engine ECUwhen you open the TPMS tab, pressure reading immediately beginschanges in the output of the fuel level parameter in the tankv1.0.23added ABS NMPS2 parameter controladded tire pressure to the screen - fuel level in the tankv1.0.22added ability to register original sensors tire pressure, the registration procedure is described in the Help sectionv1.0.21Particle filter parameter control for 4N15 addedchanges in connecting to a WiFi adapteradded voltage control vehicle votage (how to calibrate voltage value is described in the Help section of the program menu)v1.0.20added the ability to register injectors IDs for NMPS2 (kh #),this function will work only with USB ELM327 adaptermore advanced adapter test donewarnings for calibrating the steering wheel sensor addedchanges in the connection to the USB adapterv1.0.19Technical Update *v1.0.18AT temperature output for Delica-D5 DID 4N14v1.0.17adapter check addedadded initialization of the Steering angle sensor NMPS2 (KH #)added calibration of the Steering angle sensor NMPS2 (KH #)v1.0.14Help section added to menuv1.0.13added reading and deleting errors air conditioner NMPS2 (KH#)added reading and deletion errors air conditioner NMPS3 (KS1#)v1.0.09Correction range corrected for Pajero 4 4M41added error list for ABS / ASTC blockfixed error reading for the SRS Pajero 4 blockfuel leakage tab translated into Russianv1.0.08Added special features for automatic transmission NMPS3 (KS #)Added information about engine block firmware number