Do you want to reduce data usage and protect privacy? If you want to reduce internet traffic and block firewall anitivirus? If yes, then we have a solution. We come up with internet guard - data saver app. A loyal guard, netprotector to block restricted apps and internet data saver to improve data savings with wifi firewall. Netguard - no root firewall is a wifi guard with root checker to block adult sites and restrict web access. Use app blocker guard for data protection. Block internet to reduce internet traffic and data usage with firewall security privacy. Firewall guard - data saver is an adult content blocker and works as a screen guard to improve internet security privacy and data protection.Net guard - data saver firewall root is an internet gateway to block apps with no root firewalls, track internet service and get internet access to firepower for firewall security. wifi guard is a simple data saver and check guard tour to block access of internet and improve internet saver security for wifi firewall to make internet world secure.Wifi blocker and internet guard help you to access:- Reduce data usage and disconnect data thieves to maximize data savings- Protect privacy on internet without firewall root using internetguard data saver- Block background apps and save mobile data- Allow unprotected ad blocking- Reduce data breakdown and protect privacy with personal firewall- Block adult websites and restrict web access by cyber security secure- Data guard to track data usage with security secure firewall- Dataguard and app blocker to block access of restricted data connection Features of wifi guard - simple data saver:- No rooting required with netguard- Android firewall defense to protect data from Cyberoam- Firepower to save mobile data from roaming sperren- Multiple users supported for dual protection with security secure firewall - Optionally block restricted applications to protect data- Track data usage of barracuda networks with internetguard data- Internet filter to disconnect and block firewalls internet connection- Disable background activity of block app- Notifies when newly installed apps access vpn firewall to minimize data- Background design with light and dark themePermissions:1- Read Phone State:This permission grants the app the ability to retrieve various pieces of information related to the phones status, network connectivity, and telephony features.2- Usage Access Permission:Apps usage state is a permission category on android devices that grants apps the ability to collect and access information about the users interaction with other apps and system features.3- Query All Packges:App have the ability to access & query information about other apps installed on the device.Disclaimer:Internet guard - data firewall uses the android vpn firewall to route traffic for bandwidth saver for cyber security secure. It based on vpn to implement no root firewall. It works as a proxy no root between restricted apps and mobile internet saver to protect sensitive data.