Disconnects and crashes constantly before I even have time to navigate the menus to get to what I want to get to.
WoW Companion at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Disconnects and crashes constantly before I even have time to navigate the menus to get to what I want to get to.
Pros: It's fine. Faster mission tables for alts than logging in and flying all around. Cons: Half your time is spent loading. 15s loading the character list. 15s logging into that character. 20s sending out missions. 15s switching expansions. Rinse repeat for 8 alts. Inconsistent UI for each expansion Different troop sorting than in-game (not by level.) Your adventurers' levels aren't shown until you drill into them, so have to just memorize them for each alt
I want classic content.
What happened to the auction house portion
Pretty good app, only if you have enough anima deposited. Would be ideal if we could deposit any anima in our bags from inside the app.
Needs to have all 4 available expansions using the same format. Fix the bug showing you have missions in Draenor when you have completed them all. Updating the app is always a nightmare. Should not take 15 minutes per character to complete missions.
Doesnt work at all anymore.cant even log in because you need your authentication but it will close when you tab over to authenticate. Useless