Thanachart TradeCode is a new technical investment tool from Thanachart Securities. It is built into the Thanachart Think mobile application. TradeCode presents technical stock recommendations with fundamentals-based value scores and real-time price movement data. It is user friendly and designed for both stock traders (who can ignore fundamental value scores) and fundamental investors who look for the right timing to invest in stocks. TradeCode offers a new experience of investment for simpler, faster and smarter investment decision making.Key features:Stock Screening – Search and filter stocks of your preference with TradeCode offering hybrid analysis of stock momentum strength and stock valuations in terms of scoring and many more strategies. Charts – Real-time responsive chart functions with up to 10 years of historical data and major technical analysis tools, including technical indicators, trend lines, etc. Other useful features, such as Quote, Top Ranking, My Favorite, Ticker and News.Think investment Think ThanachartBug fixes