新TOEICテスト英単語ターゲット3000は、Google playにおける新TOEICテスト用英単語集のベストセラーアプリです。抜群の実績と知名度を誇るロングセラー書籍を収録しております。書籍1,320円→アプリ610円(書籍の54%OFF)※携帯キャリア利用料金と支払い可能! カードがなくても大丈夫♪ 英単語の単語帳に加え、音声再生、テスト、学習ペースメーカー機能で 「この日までに3000の英単語を習得する!」と決めたら、毎日憶える単語数に基づいてアプリが学習の進行をサポート、グラフで進捗も確認できます。 さらにテストで間違えた苦手な英単語だけをアプリが自動で記憶して弱点克服しながらスコアアップにつなげれます。通勤・通学途中に!昼休みの休憩時間に!スキマ時間を有効活用!【アプリストア最高順位】GooglePlayにおけるTOEIC英単語の有料アプリで最も利用されています・Google Play教育(有料)1位&新着1位・App Store 教育トップセールス2位・NTTドコモのスマホラウンジのお勧めアプリ・OCN厳選アプリ◆本アプリは、ココが優れてます◆・TOEIC頻出!英単語の意味や例文の日本語訳を隠せる。・TOEIC特有の実践的な例文&解説、長文(音声付き)や文法対策・音声の自動再生のON/OFFでリスニング対策・間違えた問題をアプリが自動保存、 弱点克服で完璧・検索で辞典代わりに【概要】本アプリは「単語帳」による暗記と「単語テスト」によるトレーニングを中心に、TOEICによく出る英単語・英熟語の習得が可能。さらに、多聴・精聴によるリスニング力、読解・速読によるリーディング力を鍛え、スコアアップ。◆TOEIC基本語彙約600のTOEIC頻出単語(音声再生)を繰り返し、例文(音声再生)と一緒に無理なく覚えられます。 ◆実戦TOEIC語彙スコアが上がりやすい42のテーマ別長文からTOEIC特有の表現を網羅!読解力と速読力を伸ばします。◆TOEICビジネス基礎語彙30のビジネス関連の背景知識を理解し、文書を読むキーとなる語彙を効率よく覚えられます。【特長】◆頻出単語・熟語を何度も目にする単語帳1つの単語につき、10回程の出会いを繰り返すと、ほぼ忘れなくなると言います。TOEICでよく出る単語・熟語をくり返し、例文と音声で一緒に覚える事で語彙力と速読力を養います。 TOEIC基礎語彙では、見出語に類義語や派生語の関連語句を収録。TOEIC英単語・英熟語を効果的に学べます。ビジネス基礎語彙では単語の背景を詳しく解説し、語彙を深く理解し定着を確かにします。※単語の意味や例文の日本語訳は、表示・非表示の選択による暗記や音声の自動再生のON/OFFも可能。◆よくでる42のテーマ別長文で単語力と読解力を鍛え、速読力を身につけます!実戦TOEIC語彙では、最頻出の長文(音声付き)で読解力を鍛えます。単語帳で確認したら、長文で学習したばかりの単語・熟語を確認しながら読解力を養います。長文は出題傾向の高いテーマを選定。また、実践的なリーディングの練習により、スコアアップにつなげます。◆単語/文章穴埋めテスト/弱点克服機能「単語テスト」は4つの選択肢から解答。「穴埋めテスト」は英文のブランク箇所に4つの選択肢から解答します。さらに「弱点克服」ではテストで1回目と3回目以上間違えたら苦手単語として自動保存。テスト直前の復習で効果を発揮します。※「設定」→「記録・履歴の消去」の「弱点克服」は「弱点克服」画面の「3回以上間違えた問題」の履歴消去のみ行います。「単語習得履歴」は「弱点克服」画面の「間違えた問題」の履歴消去のみ行います。◆学習ペースメーカー「この日までに3000語習得する!」といった目標をアプリに登録しておけば、1日の単語数の進捗も確認可能。グラフで目標の進捗を把握、やる気もUP!◆単語の簡易検索英語→日本語、日本語→英語も検索可能。【対応OS】・Android 1.6以上・Android5.0/Nexusシリーズ向けに最適化(12月24日)【動作確認済み機種】※実機で正常に動作する事を確認した機種。※対応機種は順次拡大。http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/app/target3000/#os_support※初回起動時にデータのバックグラウンドダウンロードを案内し、端末に自動で保存。画面を占有せずに、他の操作をしながら、ダウンロードが効率よく完了(Wi-Fi推奨)。音声なしでも辞書アプリは利用可能【よくあるご質問】 ビッグローブ辞書アプリで『よくあるご質問』を下記に掲載しております。 ご不明点がございましたら、こちらをご確認ください。 http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/faq/【問合せ窓口について】 土日、祝日や大型連休シーズン(GW、夏休み、年末年始など)については弊社問合せ窓口の休業日となります。 上記期間に頂きましたお問合せにつきましては、翌営業日以降に順次回答ご回答となります。 何卒ご了承下さいますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。【運営会社】・ビッグローブ株式会社New TOEIC Test English Word Target 3000 is the best-selling app for the new TOEIC test English words on Google play. Contains long-selling books that boast outstanding achievements and popularity.Books 1,320 yen → Apps 610 yen (54% off books)* Mobile carrier usage fee and payment are possible!Its okay without a card ♪In addition to the English vocabulary, if you decide to "learn 3000 English words by this day!" With voice playback, test, and learning pacemaker functions, the app will support the progress of learning based on the number of words you remember every day. You can also check the progress on the graph.Furthermore, the app automatically memorizes only the English words that you are not good at in the test, and you can improve your score while overcoming your weaknesses. On the way to work or school! During the lunch break! Effective use of gap time![App store highest ranking]Most used in the paid TOEIC English words app on Google Play・ Google Play education (paid) 1st place & new arrival 1st place・ App Store Education Top Sales 2nd・ Recommended apps for NTT DoCoMos smartphone lounge・ OCN carefully selected app◆ This app is excellent here ◆・ TOEIC frequency! You can hide the meaning of English words and the Japanese translation of example sentences.・ Practical example sentences & explanations peculiar to TOEIC, long sentences (with audio) and grammar measures・ Listening measures by turning on / off automatic audio playback・ The app automatically saves the wrong problem, and it is perfect by overcoming weaknesses.・ Search instead of a dictionary【Overview】This app allows you to learn English words and idioms that often appear in TOEIC, centering on memorization using "word books" and training using "word tests". In addition, improve your score by training your listening comprehension and reading comprehension and speed reading comprehension.◆ TOEIC basic vocabularyApproximately 600 TOEIC frequently-used words (speech playback) can be repeated and memorized with example sentences (speech playback) without difficulty.◆ Actual TOEIC vocabularyCovers TOEIC-specific expressions from 42 thematic long sentences that are easy to score! Improve reading comprehension and speed reading.◆ TOEIC Business Basic VocabularyUnderstand 30 business-related backgrounds and efficiently learn the key vocabulary to read documents.[Features]◆ A vocabulary book where you can see frequently-used words and idioms many timesHe says that if you meet about 10 times per word, you will almost never forget it. You will develop your vocabulary and speed reading by repeating the words and idioms that often appear in TOEIC and memorizing them together with example sentences and voice. In the TOEIC basic vocabulary, synonyms and derivative words are included in the headwords. You can effectively learn TOEIC English words and idioms. The basic business vocabulary explains the background of words in detail, deeply understands the vocabulary, and ensures its retention.* The meaning of words and the Japanese translation of example sentences can be memorized by selecting display / non-display and ON / OFF of automatic voice playback.◆ Train your vocabulary and reading comprehension with 42 thematic long sentences that you often see, and acquire speed reading skills!In the actual TOEIC vocabulary, you will improve your reading comprehension with the most frequent long sentences (with audio). After checking with the vocabulary, you will develop your reading comprehension while checking the words and idioms you just learned in long sentences. For long sentences, select themes with a high tendency to ask questions. In addition, you can improve your score by practicing practical reading.◆ Word / sentence fill-in-the-blank test / weakness overcoming function"Word test" is an answer from 4 options. The "fill-in-the-blank test" answers the blank part of the English sentence from four options. Furthermore, in "Overcoming weaknesses", if you make a mistake in the test for the first time and the third time or more, it is automatically saved as a weak word. It will be effective in the review just before the test.* "Overcome weaknesses" in "Settings"-> "Clear records / history" only deletes the history of "Problems that were mistaken 3 times or more" on the "Overcome weaknesses" screen. "Word acquisition history" only deletes the history of "wrong problems" on the "Overcome weaknesses" screen.◆ Learning pacemakerIf you register a goal such as "Learn 3000 words by this day!" In the app, you can check the progress of the number of words in a day. Grasp the progress of the goal with the graph and improve your motivation!◆ Simple word searchYou can also search English → Japanese and Japanese → English.[Supported OS]・ Android 1.6 or above・ Optimized for Android 5.0 / Nexus series (December 24)[Models whose operation has been confirmed]* A model that has been confirmed to operate normally on the actual machine.* Compatible models are gradually expanding.http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/app/target3000/#os_support* When the data is started for the first time, it will guide you to download the data in the background and automatically save it to your device. Downloading is completed efficiently while performing other operations without occupying the screen (Wi-Fi recommended). Dictionary app can be used without voice【FAQ】The "Frequently Asked Questions" is posted below in the BIGLOBE dictionary app.If you have any questions, please check here.Http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/faq/[About the inquiry window]For Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and large consecutive holiday seasons (GW, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.), our inquiry counter will be closed.Inquiries received during the above period will be answered in sequence after the next business day.Thank you for your understanding.[Operating company]・ BIGLOBE Co., Ltd.目標設定画面で2021/01/01以降を設定できない問題を修正しました。API Level 29に対応しました。