英単語ターゲット1900 公式アプリは、英単語・英熟語集で1,500万部を突破したターゲットシリーズのひとつです。大学受験英単語集 として人気の「英単語ターゲット1900 5訂版」に、音声再生&聞き流し、テストを中心に構成するGoogle Playのベストセラー英単語アプリです。 ビッグローブのアプリがテレビや雑誌で紹介されました。英熟語ターゲット1000 3訂版と揃えると効果的!通学・通勤中や就寝前など音声を聞き流す学習も可能です。【価格】書籍1,100円→アプリ660円(書籍の40%OFF)※携帯キャリアの利用料金と支払い可能!カードがなくても大丈夫。【アプリストア最高順位】・Google Play教育 有料トップ1位・Google Play教育 売上トップ1位・Google Play教育 新着有料トップ1位【重要】メーカー別動作確認済み機種一覧※お客様の端末が、Appの動作確認済み機種かご確認ください。 http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/app/target1900/index.html#os_support 実機で動作の検証を約200項目で実施済。※非対象機種でもダウンロード可能ですが、動作が安定しない場合があります。※動作確認済み端末は、順次追加中です。 【概要】 英単語ターゲット1900公式Appは、日本語/英語を隠す「英単語帳(音声再生)」、実践的なトレーニングの「テスト」、自分の弱点をアプリが憶えて復習する「弱点克服」、「この日までに1900の英単語を習得する!」と決めたら、毎日憶える単語数に基づいて学習の進行をサポート、グラフで進捗も確認できます。 さらにテストで間違えた苦手な英単語だけをアプリが再テスト、弱点を克服していけます。一生懸命に学習した履歴をバックアップできるから安心! また、「ウィズダム英和・和英辞典」「ジーニアス英和・和英辞典」「旺文社オーレックス英和・和英辞典」などをお持ちのお客様は、単語をなぞって検索も可能。◆英単語ターゲット1900公式Appは、ここがすごい・英単語帳は、日本語や英語を隠す暗記・英単語テスト(英語→日本語、日本語→英語)・4択式の穴埋め英単語テスト・全ての英単語、例文を聞き流しリスニング力UP・弱点克服で、苦手な英単語も克服・学習計画をアプリがサポート!やる気も持続・学習履歴のバックアップで安心・英単語・日本語、出る順NOで検索【Appの概要】 英単語ターゲット1900公式Appは、旺文社独自の大学入試データ分析を基に厳選された1,900の英単語と例文が「出る順」として100単語ごと19のセクションにまとめられています。 各セクションは、中心的な意味を覚える「一語一義」主義に基づいた3つのステップ学習で覚えられます。大学入試の長文とリンクする例文は、自然に読解力もつきます。◆常に試験に出る基本単語800 受験生に必須の最重要英単語。覚えてる英単語でも油断せず、きちんと確認して完璧にしよう。◆常に試験に出る重要単語700 大学入試の中核!頻出の重要な英単語を徹底的に覚えよう。◆ここで差がつく難単語400 覚えておくといざという時に役立つ難英単語。テンポよく学習できるよう、例文を短いフレーズにして収録。確実に覚えてライバルに差をつけよう!【特長】---【1】英単語帳で暗記、完全にマスターしよう--- 書籍の付属赤セルシートの代わりに、暗記がしやすいよう、アプリでは「日本語」や「英語」を隠したり、自由に設定が選べます 発音の自動再生や自動読み上げ「ON/OFF」の設定が可能。入試頻出の英単語や例文を厳選、文中での英単語の用法も自然と身につきます。聞き流しで英語に耳を慣らしリスニングも鍛えられます---【2】英単語テストと弱点チェックの反復で身に着く--- 20問毎に制限時間を設定可能、時間内の解答に慣れます。◆単語テスト(英語⇒日本語&日本語⇒英語) 4つの選択肢から意味を解答。自分のレベルに合わせた学習が可能◆穴埋めテスト 例文を完成させるために適切な単語を4つの選択肢から解答。使用シーンをイメージし学習すれば実践的な英語表現が身に着きます---【3】 弱点克服 --- 自分の苦手な英単語を見つけられるアプリならでは。英語の学習に近道はありませんが、アプリが英語学習を効果的にしてくれること間違いなし・テストで間違えた問題 2回で正解すればOK。3回以上間違えたら問題は自動保存。自分の弱点が分かり、再テスト可能。 ・チェックをつけた単語/例文 覚えにくい英単語や気になる例文をチェックして保存。自分だけの英単語帳が出来上がります---【4】学習進捗管理はアプリにお任せ--- 「この日までに1900の英単語を習得する!」。目標をアプリに登録しておけば、英単語の習得語数や進捗をグラフで確認でき、やる気が向上---【5】学習履歴をバックアップ--- 万が一にデータ復元ができて安心---【6】便利な検索機能--- 英単語を日本語・英語・出る順NOで検索可能。書籍の併用も効果的 【対応OS】・Android 2.2以上※初回起動時にデータのバックグラウンドダウンロードを案内し、端末に自動で保存。画面を占有せずに、他の操作をしながら、ダウンロードが効率よく完了(Wi-Fi推奨)。音声なしでも辞書アプリは利用可能【よくあるご質問】 ビッグローブ辞書アプリで『よくあるご質問』を下記に掲載しております。 ご不明点がございましたら、こちらをご確認ください。 http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/faq/【問合せ窓口について】 土日、祝日や大型連休シーズン(GW、夏休み、年末年始など)については弊社問合せ窓口の休業日となります。 上記期間に頂きましたお問合せにつきましては、翌営業日以降に順次回答ご回答となります。 何卒ご了承下さいますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。【運営会社】・ビッグローブ株式会社English word target 1900 official app is one of the target series that has exceeded 15 million copies in English words and idioms.This is Google Plays best-selling English word app that mainly consists of voice playback, listening, and testing in the popular "English word target 1900 5th edition" as a collection of English words for university entrance exams.The big robe app was introduced on TV and magazines. Effective when aligned with the English Idiom Target 1000 3rd Edition!You can also learn to listen to the audio while commuting to school or work or before going to bed.【price】Book 1,100 yen → App 660 yen (40% off books)* Mobile carrier usage fees and payments are possible! You dont have to have a card.[App store highest ranking]・ Google Play Education Top 1 paid・ Google Play Education Top sales・ Google Play Education No. 1 in new paid[Important] List of models whose operation has been confirmed by manufacturer* Please check if your device is a model that has been confirmed to work with the app.Http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/app/target1900/index.html#os_supportApproximately 200 items have been verified for operation on the actual machine.* You can download it even on non-target models, but the operation may not be stable.* Terminals whose operation has been confirmed are being added one by one.‥【Overview】English word target 1900 official app is "English word book (voice playback)" that hides Japanese / English, "test" of practical training, "overcome weaknesses" that the app remembers and reviews ones weaknesses, "this If you decide to "learn 1900 English words by the day!", We will support the progress of learning based on the number of words you remember every day, and you can check the progress on the graph.Furthermore, the app can retest only the English words that you are not good at in the test and overcome your weaknesses. Rest assured that you can back up your hard-learned history!In addition, customers who have "Wisdom English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", "Genius English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", "Obunsha Aurex English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", etc. can also search by tracing the word.◆ English word target 1900 official app is amazing here・ The English word book is a memorization that hides Japanese and English・ English word test (English → Japanese, Japanese → English)・ 4-choice fill-in-the-blank English word test・ Improve your listening skills by listening to all English words and example sentences・ Overcome weaknesses and overcome weak English words・ The app supports learning plans! Sustaining motivation・ Reliable with backup of learning history・ Search by English word / Japanese, NO in order of appearance[Overview of App]The English word target 1900 official app is organized into 19 sections for every 100 words in the order of appearance, with 1,900 English words and example sentences carefully selected based on Obunshas original university entrance examination data analysis.Each section can be learned by three-step learning based on the "one word one meaning" principle that remembers the central meaning. The example sentences that link to the long sentences of the university entrance examination will naturally improve your reading comprehension.◆ 800 basic words that always appear in the examThe most important English words that are essential for examinees. Dont let your guard down even if you remember English words, check them properly and make them perfect.◆ 700 important words that always appear in the examThe core of university entrance exams! Thoroughly learn important English words that appear frequently.◆ Difficult words that make a difference here 400Difficult English words that are useful in case of emergency. Recorded example sentences in short phrases so that you can study at a good tempo. Make sure you remember and make a difference to your rivals![Features]---[1] Memorize with an English word book and master it completely---Instead of the red cell sheet attached to the book, you can hide "Japanese" and "English" in the app and freely select the settings so that you can easily memorize.It is possible to set automatic pronunciation playback and automatic reading "ON / OFF".Carefully select English words and example sentences that frequently appear in entrance exams, and naturally learn how to use English words in sentences. You can listen to English and improve your listening skills.---[2] Learn by repeating English word test and weakness check---The time limit can be set for every 20 questions, and you will get used to the answers within the time.◆ Word test (English ⇒ Japanese & Japanese ⇒ English)Answer the meaning from 4 options. You can study according to your level◆ Fill-in-the-blank testAnswer the appropriate words from 4 options to complete the example sentence. You can acquire practical English expressions by imagining and learning the usage scene.---[3] Overcoming weaknesses---Only an app that allows you to find English words that you are not good at. There are no shortcuts to learning English, but there is no doubt that the app will make learning English effective.・ The problem that I made a mistake in the testIt is OK if you answer correctly in 2 times. If you make a mistake more than 3 times, the problem will be saved automatically. Know your weaknesses and retest.・ Checked words / example sentencesCheck and save English words that are difficult to remember and example sentences that interest you. You can create your own English word book---[4] Leave learning progress management to the app---"Learn 1900 English words by this day!" If you register your goals in the app, you can check the number of acquired words and progress of English words in a graph, and your motivation will improve.---[5] Back up learning history---Rest assured that data can be restored by any chance---[6] Convenient search function---You can search for English words in Japanese, English, and NO in order of appearance. Combined use of books is also effective[Supported OS]・ Android 2.2 or higher* When the data is started for the first time, it will guide you to download the data in the background and automatically save it to your device. Downloading is completed efficiently while performing other operations without occupying the screen (Wi-Fi recommended). Dictionary app can be used without voice【FAQ】The "Frequently Asked Questions" is posted below in the BIGLOBE dictionary app.If you have any questions, please check here.Http://shikaku.biglobe.ne.jp/faq/[About the inquiry window]For Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and large consecutive holiday seasons (GW, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.), our inquiry counter will be closed.Inquiries received during the above period will be answered in sequence after the next business day.Thank you for your understanding.[Operating company]・ BIGLOBE Co., Ltd.目標設定画面で2021/01/01以降を設定できない問題を修正しました。API Level 29に対応しました。