Always worked when I needed it to! Easy to use and understand.
UK Salary Calculator at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Always worked when I needed it to! Easy to use and understand.
It still shows more NI than it should, which makes the take home money be less that is actually is. Please fix this. Other than that, it's a great app which now looks even better than before!
nice but would be nice to be able to also enter net salary to get gross figure? :)
Super helpful, great little app..... Very simple and functional; and its paid pro version is even better: no more adds, no limit on the number of salaries it can save: allows to combine multiple 'saves' calculating your 'household' income. Tax, national insurance deductions, take home pay its all calculated FOR YOU saves time; not that said maths is too difficult: just long. Breaksdown 'saves' into categories: annual down to hourly it calculates the rates. Quick and easy to see it, at a glance.
quite accurate and useful!
Well designed salary calculator
gives me accurate info about how much i am actually going to be earning on an hourly basis as i am somebody who is not at all that maths savvy. I am always on indeed looking for work and i forever keep seeing yearly salary. I dont really understand anything from there.